(Slightly Dirty) Glycolysis Mnemonics | Student Doctor Network
Apr 16, 2015 · I put together a glycolysis chart using mnemonics to breakdown not only substrates and enzymes, but also the energy sources (ATP, NAD+, etc.) and metals used. Using some basic ones I found, I tweaked them a bit while keeping them dirty, to …
Need a good GLYCOLYSIS mneumonic | Student Doctor Network
Jan 24, 2005 · Sorry - mnemonics wouldn't have helped me. I did the write-the-whole-pathway-out about 100 times to get everything down - structures, names, enzymes, activators, inactivators, mechanisms, energy... It's just too much for a mnemonic, I think. Of course, if anyone HAS a mnemonic, I sure could've used it a year ago! 🙂 🙂
mnemonic to help remember glycolysis enzymes! - Student …
Jun 7, 2016 · It helped me and I was kind of excited about it, so I wanted to help someone out there who is just starting out and studying bio for the DAT. so.. Hungry Pirates Pick All The Greatest Pickled Pumpkins Ever Picked= Hexokinase, phosphogly Isomerase, phosphofruc kinase, aldolase, triose phosphate...
glycolysis cycle intermediate | Student Doctor Network
Aug 24, 2005 · I doubt you would get a question about glycolysis intermediates, but if you want to be safe take a look at the series of reactions taking place. Looking at the organic structure helps you have a better understanding of what is actually going on I think because it works for me. Mainly, you should have a basic general knowledge.
Glycolysis/TCA in Undergrad Biochem | Student Doctor Network
Apr 14, 2009 · So right now in my undergrad biochem class we are learning about the steps and enzymes used in glycolysis and TCA/Citric Acid Cycle. I'm just wondering if it would be highly advised to memorize the steps and enzymes for future use in med school or will med school biochem delve into such great...
Respiration Mnemonic | Student Doctor Network
Jul 7, 2009 · Hey Guys, Does anyone have a good mnemonic to memorize glycolysis, krebs, and etc? A separate question: Does krebs include etc? or is ETC separate from Krebs?
biochem mnemonics | Student Doctor Network
Jul 4, 2007 · Hey Guys, Do you know any cool mnemonic for all the steps/enzymes of Glycolysis?
Do we need to know Fetal Circulation, Gestation.. etc..
Dec 26, 2006 · Sorry to take this off topic, but how detailed? I memorized how many ATP and NADH are at each step. I memorized the generals of glycolysis, fermentation, pyruvate decarboxylation, Krebb's Cycle, and ETC. Where they occur, …
LIST: MCAT mnemonics and memory aids! | Student Doctor Network
Jul 19, 2004 · Mnemonics are essential to survival in med school, and I think they would be useful on the MCAT as well. Let's make a list of good MCAT mnemonics to help remember details! Some of these may be too detailed but some may actually help us remember something thats always confused us. If it...
How to organize anatomy notes? | Student Doctor Network
Sep 27, 2011 · You should see the mnemonic I have for phosphofructokinase and other glycolysis metabolism stuff. PFK = ???