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PAPOP (PolyArme POlyProjectiles) - Military Factory
May 12, 2021 · The product was headed by GIAT Industries (now Nexter) and included an assault rifle section from Belgian-based FN Herstal, grenades from Euroimpact, and a targeting system from Sfim ODS. Work was accomplished …
PAPOP | Gun Wiki - Fandom
PAPOP - Military Wiki | Fandom
The PAPOP project aims at providing, by 2010 or 2012, a versatile weapon capable of engaging enemy infantry, even protected, with a range of up to 600 metres. An industrial partnership …
PAPOP (PolyArme POlyProjectiles): Photos, History, …
Led by GIAT Industries (now Nexter), the product includes the assault rifle segment of Belgian company FN Herstal, the shells from Euroimpact and the sighting system from Sfim ODS. Work was carried out in the mid-1990s, and …
PAPOP — Wikipédia
Le PAPOP (PolyArme POlyProjectiles) était un projet développé par l'armée française dans le cadre du projet FELIN. Il est décrit comme une polyarme-polyprojectile, c’est-à-dire un fusil …
Poly-Arme Polyprojectile. A French prototype bullpup …
The PAPOP (PolyArme POlyProjectiles, "multi-projectile multi-weapon") was a French project to construct a computerised multi-usage infantry weapon for the FÉLIN system, capable of hitting hidden or protected targets.
PAPOP — Википедия
PAPOP (P oly A rme PO ly P rojectiles) — перспективный французский стрелково-гранатометный комплекс, созданный концерном Nexter (некогда именовавшийся GIAT …
PAPOP - Bullpup assault rifle - GlobalMilitary.net
The PAPOP is a French Bullpup assault rifle produced by GIAT Industries.
PAPOP (프랑스판 OICW) - 네이버 블로그
This is the French equivalent to the OICW, PAPOP stands for "PolyArme, POlyProjectiles. It is a 35 mm grenade launcher with a 5.56mm rifle. It does have electro-optics that can be …
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