Gender and health - World Health Organization (WHO)
Gender norms, roles and relations, and gender inequality and inequity, affect people’s health all around the world. This Q&A examines the links between gender and health, highlighting WHO’s ongoing work to address gender-related barriers to healthcare, advance gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls in all their diversity, and achieve health for all.
Gender EURO - World Health Organization (WHO)
Nov 13, 2024 · Gender identity refers to a person’s internal and individual experience of gender, which may or may not correspond to their sex at birth. Gender influences health outcomes, exposure to risk, access to information and resources, access to and experiences of health-care, participation in the health-care workforce, and many relevant social ...
16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence 2024
Gender-based violence prevention and support for survivors are essential in every humanitarian response. During emergencies, all forms of gender-based violence can spike, including sexual and intimate partner violence. 1 in 5 refugee or displaced women and girls living in complex emergencies is estimated to have experienced sexual violence.
Gender incongruence and transgender health in the ICD
Gender incongruence of adolescence or adulthood: Gender Incongruence of Adolescence and Adulthood is characterised by a marked and persistent incongruence between an individual´s experienced gender and the assigned sex, which often leads to a desire to ‘transition’, in order to live and be accepted as a person of the experienced gender ...
Closing data gaps in gender - World Health Organization (WHO)
Collecting, analyzing, and using good quality, disaggregated data is necessary to improve people’s health and well-being. In 2019, WHO’s Global Health Statistics were disaggregated by sex for the first time. When data on individuals are broken down by sex, health systems are better able to identify and respond to gender inequalities in health, and allocate resources …
Building a healthier world by women and for women is key to …
Mar 6, 2025 · As the world marks the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action on Women – a landmark blueprint for gender equality – progress remains frustratingly slow. If we are to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, we must place women at the centre of global health transformation.Well-functioning health systems are the foundation of …
WHO report reveals gender inequalities at the root of global crisis …
Mar 13, 2024 · A new report published by the World Health Organization (WHO), “Fair share for health and care: gender and the undervaluation of health and care work" illustrates how gender inequalities in health and care work negatively impact …
WHO addresses violence against women as a gender equality and …
Jul 17, 2023 · This is a stark reminder of the scale of gender inequality and discrimination against women. “Violence against women and girls remains an immense crisis for rights and health for millions of women and girls around the world,” said Dr Pascale Allotey, Director of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research at WHO, and head of the UN Special ...
WHO announces the development of a guideline on the health of …
Dec 18, 2023 · The guideline will focus in 5 areas: provision of gender-affirming care, including hormones; health workers education and training for the provision of gender-inclusive care; provision of health care for trans and gender diverse people who suffered interpersonal violence based in their needs; health policies that support gender-inclusive care ...
Ensuring gender-responsive health systems - World Health …
Mar 15, 2019 · Universal health coverage (UHC) is based on principles of equity. However, even a well-functioning health system striving towards UHC is not necessarily equitable and gender-responsive. Health systems are not gender neutral; structures and processes of oppression and discrimination that exist in society reproduced in health systems.UHC can only truly be …