Gel Doc XR+ Gel Documentation System - Bio-Rad
The Gel Doc XR+ System enables quick and easy visualization, documentation, and analysis of nucleic acid and protein gels, blots, and macroarrays with a few clicks of the mouse. The system supports fluorescence and colorimetric detection methods.
Unpack the Gel Doc XR+ system. Install Image LabTM software. Set up the universal hood. Install the camera. Connect the cables. Load the camera driver. Calibrate the system. The Gel Doc XR+ system arrives in multiple containers labeled with several part numbers.
Gel Doc XR+ Gel Documentation System - Bio-Rad
The Gel Doc XR+ System enables quick and easy visualization, documentation, and analysis of nucleic acid and protein gels, blots, and macroarrays with a few clicks of the mouse. The system supports fluorescence and colorimetric detection methods.
BIO RAD Gel Doc XR 170-8170 Instruction Manual
Section 1 Introduction The Bio-Rad Gel Doc XR, and the ChemiDoc XRS Gel Documentation systems are easy- to-use, high-performance systems. They use a CCD Camera to capture images in real time, which allows you to more accurately position and focus the image.
Biorad Gel Doc XR+ Imaging System | Marshall Scientific
The Gel Doc XR+ system combines a compact darkroom, UV-transilluminator workstation, CCD camera, motorized zoom lens, and user-friendly Image Lab software to document and quantitate gels stained with ethidium bromide and other fluorophores.
Bio-rad Gel Doc™ XR+ System User Manual - ManyManuals
Browse online or download Bio-Rad Gel Doc™ XR+ System User Manual 50 pages. Accessories for water Bio-rad Gel Doc™ XR+ System user manual pdf download free [1.72 MB]. Related for ChemiDoc™ XRS+ System
Bio-Rad Gel Doc™ XR+ System : Instruction Manual - ManualShelf
Section 1 Introduction The Bio-Rad Gel Doc™ XR and ChemiDoc™ XRS gel documentation systems are easy-to-use, highperformance systems. They use a charge coupled device (CCD) camera to capture images in real time, which allows you …
gel doc xr gel documentation system, by Bio-Rad - Product …
The Gel Doc XR+ Gel Documentation System is a compact, automated imaging system designed for the analysis of DNA, RNA, and protein samples separated by gel electrophoresis. It captures high-quality images of gels stained with various fluorescent dyes and provides advanced image analysis capabilities.
Trans-UV and epi-white are standard (302 nm included, with 365 nm available as an option). Optional trans white, self-powered or conversion screen. Optional XcitaBlueTM UV/blue conversion screen.
The Gel Doc XR+ System is the ideal accompaniment to your PCR and electrophoresis systems, enabling image analysis and documentation of restriction digests, amplified nucleic acids, and genetic fingerprinting. What the Gel Doc XR+ System Can Do for You: Automated workflow from image to results n Makes your gel imaging and analysis quick
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