Gel Doc EZ Gel Documentation System - Bio-Rad
The Gel Doc EZ System is a compact and automated gel imaging instrument designed to yield publication-quality images and analyzed results with just the push of a button. The Gel Doc EZ System provides unparalleled flexibility with the use of four application-specific trays: UV tray for ethidium bromide staining of DNA gels and fluorescence imaging
Gel Doc EZ System #1708270 - Bio-Rad
Stain-free technology — condense your 2 hr Coomassie protocol into a 5 min stain-and-image step with this stain-free imaging system. Stain-free gels are western blot compatible, allowing you to check electrophoresis results and quality prior to western blotting.
The Gel Doc EZ imaging system supports multiple applications, including Coomassie and ethidium bromide staining, blue excitation for nondestructive DNA visualization, and stain-free gel and blot imaging.
Gel electrophoresis is a common way to separate, identify, and purify proteins or nucleic acids. The Gel Doc EZ system enables you to image and print gel and blot images for documentation in laboratory notebooks and to export images for publication or presentation.
The Gel Doc EZ system is a reproducible and fast label-free SDS-PAGE/native PAGE system that eliminates time-consuming staining and destaining steps. Image Lab image acquisition and analysis software works with the Gel Doc EZ
Bio-Rad’s innovative Gel Doc EZ imaging system features …
Jan 8, 2013 · Explore how the Gel Doc EZ imaging system simplifies image acquisition and analysis by the combination of Smart Tray Technology and Image Lab software.
Bio-Rad Gel Doc - LabX.com
The Gel Doc EZ system is a compact and automated gel imaging instrument designed to yield publication-quality images and analyzed results with just the push of a button.
GelDoc EZ | CDB Equipment Resource | Vanderbilt University
The Gel Doc EZ system is a compact and automated gel imaging instrument designed to yield publication-quality images and analyzed results with just the push of a button. The Gel Doc EZ system provides unparalleled flexibility with the use of four application-specific trays:
Image Lab Software - Bio-Rad
Image Lab image acquisition and analysis software runs the Gel Doc EZ imager, the Gel Doc XR+, ChemiDoc XRS+, and ChemiDoc MP imaging systems, and the GS-900 calibrated densitometer. Capture and analyze digital image data from electrophoresis gels and blots.
Biorad Gel Doc EZ - Genomics Core Facility
The Gel Doc EZ features Image Lab software for recognition and quantification of gels and blots and the use of standards for size. The instrument has four filter sets (white, blue, UV and stain-free gel) permitting a wide variety of dye types to be visualized.