Introduction | Brightland Homes Docs
This documentation section describes internal, custom-built Gehan Homes Content Management System. A content management system (CMS) is used to manage Gehan Homes inventory (Communities, Floor Plans, Galleries, etc.), content (is stored in a database), allowing multiple contributors to create, edit and publish.
Floor Plans List | Brightland Homes Docs
Floor Plans List Description . Lists all Base Floor plans. Base floor plan includes all information which is not community-specific (like Plan name, series).
Exterior Packages | Brightland Homes Docs
Internal page for Gehan Homes employees, to allow management of Exterior Options for Inventory, like exterior stones, body, paint, bricks.
Listings | Brightland Homes Docs
Listings Section of CMS allows Global Admins or Inventory admins to Manage Gehan Homes Inventory. Types: Communities; Floor Plans; Spec Homes
Packages List | Brightland Homes Docs
Packages List Description . List of all Exterior Packages. There are 2 types of packages: Package (contains 4 options of each type) Stones (Only contains one or more stones)
Hello from Brightland Homes Docs | Brightland Homes Docs
Description will go into a meta tag in Brightland Homes Docs. Brightland Homes Web Documentation
Dashboard | Brightland Homes Docs
Dashboard Description . Main (Home) Page for CMS. The first page user sees after logging in. For a Phase 1, this page only contains links to other CMS sections (depending on user permissions.)
Introduction | Brightland Homes Docs
Welcome to Brightland Homes Docs! Introduction. Welcome to Brightland Homes Docs! This is a documentation of each page and component of the website.
Introduction | Brightland Homes Docs
Introduction. This sections describes TV Signage Website functionality. Next. Home Page
Import | Brightland Homes Docs
In our new database, Austin is a single division which has 2 brands: "Brightland Homes" and "Gehan". Austin division has a list assigned communities. But in BDX “Austin” is broken down into 3 divisions with unique IDs and its own communities in BDX Live because it has 3 brands.