Category : GAZ-71 - Wikimedia
Jun 22, 2018 · Media in category "GAZ-71" The following 20 files are in this category, out of 20 total.
Mortar - GT SM
Buy a GT-SM (GAZ-71): a modern Soviet tracked snow and swamp conveyor (similar to BV 202, BV 206 and Sisu Nasu). It was produced from 1968 to 1985 at the Zavolzhsky crawler tractor plant (ZZGT). The basis for the creation of the GT-SM was the tracked conveyor GT-S (GAZ-47).
GT-MU Fire Support Vehicle - Tank Encyclopedia
Dec 17, 2021 · The GT-MU (GT-MU being the Soviet Army designation; it is referred to as GAZ-73 by the manufacturer, Gorky Automobile Plant) is a small tracked vehicle which entered production in the Soviet Union in 1971. The vehicle is based on the previous GT-SM or GAZ-71, a fully tracked but unarmored tractor/prime mover with six road wheels.
GAZ-71, technical characteristics of a tracked all-terrain vehicle ...
GAZ-71 is a tracked transporter, a durable all-terrain vehicle capable of moving on water, which means it also has amphibious functions. It features high off-road capability, a mid-engine layout and impressive payload capacity.
Mortar DE - GT SM (GAZ 71)
Kaufen Sie einen GT-SM (GAZ-71) - einen modernen sowjetischen Schnee- und Sumpfförderer (wie die BV 202, BV 206 und Sisu Nasu). Er wurde zwischen 1968 bis 1985 im Zavolzhsky-Raupentraktorwerk (ZZGT) hergestellt.
Off-road vehicle GAZ-71. Past and present - EN.BIRMISS.COM
GAZ-71 was the first all-terrain vehicle produced at the Zavolzhsky plant. Since then, about 20 modifications of these machines have been created. The first of them worked in the Far North and taiga, where they participated in the development of the oil and gas industry of the USSR.
GT-SM (GAZ-71) aphibious vehicle test drive - YouTube
Nov 24, 2020 · https://mortarinvestments.eu/catalog/item/gt-sm#inStockGT-SM vehicles for sale DescriptionGT-SM conveyor is a floating snow and swamp tracked vehicle with a ...
ГАЗ-71 | GAZ-71 - YouTube
Советский — Русский быстроходный плавающий транспортер высокой проходимости ГАЗ-71.Sowjetischer — Russischer Geländefahrzeug GAZ-71.Soviet — Russian all ter...
GAZ 71 - Russian traditions - Blogger
Riding in the snow and swamp floating crawler transporter with a gasoline engine, produced in 1967 was intended to transport people and goods in off-road, in the virgin and the northern areas, as well as to serve the various expeditions. At present, removed from production. Clutch - …
Mortar CZ - GT SM (GAZ 71)
Dopravník GT-SM je plovoucí sněhové a bažinové pásové vozidlo s nosností 1 t, které je určeno k přepravě osob, různých nákladů, tažných přívěsů (do 2000 kg), evakuaci zraněných a pro další potřeby vojáků v severních oblastech. Dopravník může být provozován na všech typech silnic i v terénu se schopností překonávat vodní bariéry.
GAZ-71: The Legendary Off-Road Vehicle for "Special Services"
GAZ-71 is a high-mobility military off-road vehicle developed in the 1950s in the USSR. It was designed for use by special services and military units. GAZ-71 became a true legend of the Soviet automotive industry, symbolizing power and reliability.
Вездеход ГАЗ-71 – легендарная “Газушка” для Крайнего …
Apr 3, 2023 · Автовоз ГАЗ-71, который сегодня можно приобрести только в подержанном состоянии, – настоящая легенда советского автопрома. Цена остается неизменно высокой, но найти такой автомобиль не так просто, отчетов о продажах таких автомобилей на тематических сайтах нам найти не удалось.
GAZ-71. Photo from Barnaul, Russia. | Tracked transporter (l
Tracked transporter (load capacity 1 ton, can tow a trailer weighing up to 2 tons, the maximum speed of 50 km/h) with the ability to overcome water obstacles. Produced in 1968-1985 in a branch of the GAZ plant, ZZGT plant (city of the Zavolzhye). Later improved versions were produced. GAZ-34039, a direct descendant of GAZ-71, is still in ...
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An Alternative from Gorky - Tank Archives
Feb 24, 2018 · The GAZ-71, also called SU-71 in correspondence, was doing much better. It was not build by November 15th, as GKO decree #2429 required. However, it was built by November 28th, and was being prepared for factory trials.
Gas 71: technical characteristics of the all-terrain vehicle, photo
The all-terrain vehicle GAZ-71 (GT-SM) is a Soviet tracked snow and swamp-going vehicle, which was produced from 1968 to 1985 at the Zavolzhsky Crawler Tractor Plant. The history of the creation of the machine, its description and characteristics.
Gas-71: technical characteristics, all-terrain vehicle in deep off …
The GAZ 71 all-terrain vehicle confidently overcomes snow debris, impassable swamps, desert areas, fords up to 1.2 m deep... And even floats. Perhaps it’s worth talking about this unique feature of the machine in more detail.
gaz-71 gt-sm in close view @infomortar - YouTube
Aug 19, 2021 · Tracked transporter for the snowy areas and a swamp-going vehicle. In the civilian version, it is better known as the GAZ-71. High-speed amphibious transporter with high cross-country ability,...
Gaz 71 - specs, photos, videos and more on TopWorldAuto
Gaz 71 produced by GAZ. The model received many reviews of people of the automotive industry for their consumer qualities. More detailed vehicle information, including pictures, specs, and reviews are given below.
Russian Light Unarmored Vehicles - pmulcahy.com
The GT-SM (also known as the GAZ-71) replaced the GT-S in the early 1970s; it is basically a GT-S with a more powerful engine. It is somewhat larger than the GT-S, but has the same cargo and towing capacities, and the same general shape and specifications.
CLS GAZ #71 | Chalon-sur-Saône - Facebook
cls gaz #71, chalon-sur-saône. 635 likes · 1 was here. distributeur / grossiste de gaz. vente sur site et livraison chez vous. particulier / professionnel.