Why are the GSG-9 dressed so casually? - Steam Community
There are a lot of images documenting the GSG9 in jeans and other civilian clothing. Of course, they also have their full-on high-speed low-drag uniforms when they need it, but it's not …
Why does IQ wear jeans while all the other operators wear ... - Reddit
The visual 'uniform' for the GSG9 in game (the thing that ties them together as a superset unit) is that they're casual clothes and thrown on tactical gear last minute. It's based on the German …
Why Do the GSG9 Wear Hoodies and Jeans? : r/Rainbow6 - Reddit
The GSG9 is probably the most badass CTU in the world. The fact they are wearing civilian equipment like it is casual Friday is probably meant more as a statement of "Lets get this over …
GSG9's appearance in the game is controversial, but it looks
If you see a GSG-9 Unit in action they are always in full combat gear, never wearing jeans or something like that, simply because unlike the SEK Units they have time to gear up.
Why do all the German operators wear skinny jeans?
Jan 29, 2016 · GSG9 does use actual uniforms but they look similar to the FBI outfits so they probably went with the civilian attire to be different. As for the skinny jeans part, well, they're …
Why do the GSG-9 Wear Blue Jeans instead of actual fatigues?
If you thought the regular polizei would be the first responders as you plant a bomb/take a hostage, but the GSG9 showed up just as fast... You're ♥♥♥♥ed. And they did it casually.
Why do the gsg9 wear jeans? - AnswersAll
May 1, 2021 · Why do the gsg9 wear jeans? Basically there are two reasons why any police officer (might not necessarily be SWAT) will respond to a situation wearing jeans. Undercover …
GSG-9 :: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege General Discussions
Mar 2, 2020 · Some pictures of GSG9 operators actually show them wearing jeans and those types of helmets. Some GSG9 Operators are not prepared and get ready for an operation very …
Rainbow Six Siege trailer showcases the relaxed dress code of GSG9
Oct 12, 2015 · One, GSG9 is probably the only special forces outfit on the planet that allows its operatives to wear pink sneakers and ripped jeans on the job.
GSG9 isn't the only team that runs around in jeans! (the Dutch AOT).
May 4, 2017 · Yes, he is ashamed for wearing blue jeans on picture day. Like he would look way cooler if he wore darker jeans. Just asking... "With the blast shield down, I can't even see! How …
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