With the reorganization of the Experience Exchange of GS Test Organizations, Exchange of Experience Forum 1 (EK1) assumed this task in 1998. With the progress of European standardization, and with increasing experience in the assessment of IT equipment in combination with visual display units, the test princi-ples are being maintained up to date.
EK 1 decisions/affairs 601-15 Rev3 ( PAH Guideline for electrical
EK1 document 601-15 Rev3. It contains an updated version of the EK1 PAH guideline for electrical products (updated to the current version of AfPS GS 2019)
The GS-body should gain information about the manufacturer in conformity with At- tachment 1 as the basis for the PAH assessment. The tested materials must be clearly described and assignable in the test report.
Decisions are reviewed 3 years after they are made, at the next EK1 meeting with regard to necessity or need for revision. The next review will again be conducted after 3 years.
GS Mark Compliance of PC Headphones - EEWeb
May 31, 2013 · EK1-ITB 2000 is the document that specifies the requirements for GS-mark in IT equipment in combination with visual display units. In section A.2.9.34, it describes the setup for qualifying headphone as identical to the European Standard, EN50332:
Mit der Neuord-nung der Erfahrungsaustauschkreise der GS-Prüfstellen wurde diese Aufgabe 1998 vom Erfahrungsaustauschkreis 1 (EK1) übernommen. Im Zuge der europäischen Harmonisierung wurden die Prüfgrundsätze weitgehend den europäisch harmonisierten Anforderungen angepasst.
EK1-ITB 2000:2009 - ManualZilla
Exchange of Experience Forum 1 (EK1) of GS Test Organizations, EK1-ITB 2000, Status as of January 01, 2009, rev. 1 Editor: TÜV Rheinland Product Safety; E-mail: [email protected] 3/17 EK1-ITB 2000:2009 A.2 Standards for Product Safety A.2.1 Basic Standard DIN EN 60950-1 DIN EN 60065 Safety of information technology equipment Audio, visual and ...
GS Certification|NINGBO HATEK CO., LTD
Ergonomic testing required by GS mark containing multi-sorts of IT products, including LCD/CRT display services, computers, laptops, and other computer peripheral equipment (such as keyboards, mices, printers, scanners, etc.), must be complied with the related ergonomics standard within EK1-ITB 2000.
Germany notified plug GS certified product (eg wall plug power …
regardless of application TUV / Rh, TUV / SUD or units issued by Nemko GS certification verification, the plug must comply with the EK1 Directive 557-13 provisions of the directive detailed test requirements are as follows :
GS Mark Regulation for Hair Dryers - Intertek
Jan 2, 2015 · According to the minutes of clause 9.3 of the EK1 meeting dated 2014-05-22, a new EK1 decision (EK1 598-14) issued by ZLS on 2014-12-19 that requires a permanent fitting of a warning remark label on the power cord of hair dryers for GS Mark certification according to the product safety law – ProdSG –.