Dreaded GPU "dots", wiikey and Nintendo repair - GBAtemp.net
Feb 23, 2025 · My wii is starting to get the dreaded GPU overheating/frying "dots" 1) Is the problem permanent? I've read many theories, a lot of people started seeing them after Resident Evil 4, or perhaps leaving Wiiconnect24 on all the time overheats the board (as no fan is running in standby). Do the dots go away, or just get worse?
My Wii has sparkling pixels, and it’s not due to any cables ... - Reddit
Jan 9, 2022 · Common issue, probably early revision wii and wiiconnect 24 was enabled = gpu overheating. My Wii has this sparkling pixels effect. It is a soft modded model RVL-001. I’m showing it on Majora’s Mask (Virtual Console) because it’s easy to see the effect, but it happens on all my physical games as well.
GPU problems in the Wii - GBAtemp.net
Feb 8, 2025 · Well, I have the dreaded flickering pixels problem in the Wii. Apparently this is a common problem, as this video was not made by me. Some people states that this is either a defective GPU, or the heatsink was badly installed. Eveybody says that I should send my Wii to Nintendo in order to fix it.
My Wii's GPU is showing the black dots of death - Reddit
When you start getting the black dots, I understand it is from GPU failure/corruption. Do they get worse? Is it an indicator that my system is nearing the end of its life?
Advice about a fried GPU... - Nintendo Wii - GameFAQs
Every single Wii that shipped in the first year is susceptible to this GPU issue. The problem comes when Wii Connect is left enabled, which in turn overheats the GPU to the point of destroying...
Wii Display Problem - Vertical Lines/Dots - AVS Forum
May 30, 2007 · The GPU is damaged, and the only fix is to send it back to Nintendo to get a replacement. Nintendo has been fixing/replacing Wii's with this problem for free, so the only downside is being Wii-less for a week or two.
I got Red/Green dots when playing games on the Wii
Jan 9, 2007 · I had the dots with both component and composite cables and the dots didn't exist at first but gradually got worse and worse then leveled off in their growth. And welcome to the painstaking process of getting your Wii repaired.
Revisiting the Wii artifact problem - GBAtemp.net
Feb 8, 2025 · As you may know, some of the earlier Wiis had issues with artifacts (in the form of random black dots) appearing on the screen, which is blamed on WiiConnect24 for the most part. I've had the issue since Super Mario Galaxy 1's release, …
Just wanted to check, do these flickering dots appear for ... - Reddit
Aug 11, 2021 · My second Wii started to show these pixels, I might have read that your gpu is probably dying. Do you have wii24 enabled?
My screen has little pixel lines or dots through it? - Nintendo Wii …
Nov 19, 2006 · If you are having display issues with your Wii, whether it be lines or a loss of picture altogether, I strongly suggest that you replace your power supply through NIntendo direct, and then...