GM Commands - Guides & HowTo - Metin2Dev | M2Dev
Feb 2, 2014 · Metin2 Dev or M2Dev is a forum where you can find resources to create your best metin2 private server. We have 3D models, systems, scripts and much more! We are developers and a community of enthusiasts! Plagiarized but never equalled...
Legacy2 - GM Commands
Legacy2 is an oldschool Metin2 GM Server, where everyone is a GM, with limited rights to ensure that others' gaming experience is not disrupted.
Guide:The 4 steps to the GameMaster - Metin2 Wiki - Gameforge
The moreover you will be responsible for many, many questions above all first times in the forum and in the play (under guidance experienced GM) the first steps of the GM' s learn.
GM codes - metin2codes.de
/ gm GM stealth mode, enter the net once again switched to normal mode, or enter / u. / tree move coordinates. moving trees, do not coordinate directly with the current screen to clear all the trees. / shutdown a server restart. / a names grading / / such as: / a ymir 999. / pu / / killing all the monsters on the current screen, NPC is not clear.
Server Archive - Metin2 Private Servers from all history - Metin2 …
Nov 17, 2023 · Metin2 Ingerasii este un server de metin 2 pvm mediu cu level maxim 120 si evolutii pana la cianit. S-a investit mult timp pentru a ajunge aici si este foarte stabil+Protectie bob!
GM Command Details | Guides & HowTo | Metin2Hub | Metin2 …
Apr 10, 2024 · GM_LOW_WIZARD /siege: start or stop siege war. When siege war is running, re-type /sige will be stop current war. Empire num 0: random empire 1-3: specific empire tower count 5-10
[Metin2] GM Codes | Commands | Monster ID's - elitepvpers
Oct 28, 2017 · Ich habe hier zusammen mit die Liste möglichst aller GM-Codes von Metin2 zusammengestellt. Da aufgrund der Begrenzung von 100.000 Zeichen in einem Thread haben wir diesen in mehrere Aufgeteilt und bewusst nicht in Spoiler gepackt, weil:
Different InGame GM Effects Based on GM Name - Features & Metin2 …
Mar 9, 2024 · First of all, the way the system works is by the GM name, so if it has [SA] or [GM] in name it will apply the effect for it. Server Side service.h #define ENABLE_CUSTOM_TAG_EFFECTS affect.h in enum EAffectBits search for the last enum (in my case is AFF_BITS_MAX) and before it add #ifdef ENABLE_CUSTOM_TAG_EFFECTS AFF_GA, AFF_GM, AFF_SA, #endif ...
[Lista] Coordonate pentru GM - Just4Metin
Dec 29, 2014 · GM-Garage (wtf.) GM Garage (wtf.) Cod: Selectaţi tot /warp 900 100 / warp 900 100. Schneemap Schneemap; Cod: Selectaţi tot /warp 193 107 / warp 193 107. Burg 1 Castle 1; ... ↳ Ynari Metin2 – Server HARD Clasic, Partener Oficial Just4metin! Comunitate; ↳ …
GM Affects - Features & Metin2 Systems - Metin2Dev | M2Dev
Jul 22, 2023 · Hello Metin2 Dev. I'm here to present a GM Affect system. I was bored a few days ago and i wanted to create a different type of GM Symbol Affect for each grade, so i did it and decided to share it with you.