Government Institutions Pension Fund – The Government …
gipf is in search of former members with unclaimed benefits! Are you the one we are looking for? Every staff member of a participating employer is entitled to receive pension benefits at the time when he/she leaves employment and cease to be a member of the Fund.
Our Business – Government Institutions Pension Fund
The Government Institutions Pension Fund (GIPF) is a statutory pension fund that provides pension and related benefits to civil servants, and employees of participating employers in Namibia.
GIPF | To Guard and To Grow
The Government Institutions Pension Fund (GIPF) was established at the end of 1989, marking a new dawn for all Namibians.
Strategic Outline - Government Institutions Pension Fund
The GIPF Strategic Plan 2023 – 2026 takes a methodical, systematic approach to analyzing the broad context and the rationale that informed its decisions to undertake certain strategic responses, all with the aim of attaining the Funds onerous mission and ambitious vision.
Contact - Government Institutions Pension Fund
[email protected] +264 (0) 61 205 1000 +264 61 205 1232. Cnr Dr. Kenneth Kaunda & Goethe Street, Windhoek, Namibia. P. O. Box 23500 Windhoek, 9000 Namibia. EENHANA. PO Box 14017 Harelbeke Street Tel: (065) 263 846 Fax: (065) 263 869. GOBABIS. PO Box 692 Hibiscus Mall Tel: (062) 564 098
GIPF Forms - Government Institutions Pension Fund
The Government Institutions Pension Fund (GIPF) was established at the end of 1989, marking a new dawn for all Namibians. Unclaimed benefit claim form 1 file(s) 66 KB
Vacancies - Government Institutions Pension Fund
GIPF is an equal opportunity employer and complies with the Affirmative Action Legislation. Persons from previously disadvantaged groups meeting the requirements are encouraged to apply. Load more jobs
Feb 5, 2025 · GIPF ENCOURAGES MEMBERS TO GET VERIFIED. Posted on 5 Mar at 2:24 pm. Media Release Biometric Verification 05 March 2025. Share with friends: Recent Posts. GIPF ENCOURAGES MEMBERS TO GET VERIFIED March 10, 2025; GIPF ENCOURAGES MEMBERS TO GET VERIFIED March 5, 2025; Urgent Public Cautionary Notice NMCF-GIPF February 25, 2025;
Defined Benefits Pension Fund - Government Institutions Pension …
GIPF is a defined benefits pension fund that provides guaranteed pension benefits to its members. This means that should liabilities of GIPF exceed its assets, (e.g. bad performance of the markets), the employer undertakes to cover the shortfall.
Media Centre - Government Institutions Pension Fund
The Government Institutions Pension Fund (GIPF) was established at the end of 1989, marking a new dawn for all Namibians.