Why does the Geico gekko have a Southern English accent?
Oct 11, 2000 · The GEICO gecko The company's ads sometimes focus on its reptilian mascot, the GEICO talking gecko, created by The Martin Agency and most recently a CGI creature …
When did the Geico gecko's accent change? - AnandTech Forums
May 22, 2006 · What region did the gecko's represent originally? What region does it represent now?
Geico's gecko hit by car, dies. - AnandTech Forums
Aug 4, 2000 · Search titles only By: Search Advanced search…
Geico Commercial - AnandTech Forums
May 5, 2006 · Geckos do not blink or have eylids. Then again, Geico takes most of us as idiots and never think we'll notice. Maybe I'm looking too much into this but I knew this about geckos …
i liked gecko better when he had an Oxford accent.
Mar 12, 2014 · That cockney thing is really annoying.
Reporting Odometer readings to insurance companies
Nov 20, 2009 · BTW, I got into a heated exchange with an Allstate agent a couple of years ago. They raised the rate on our pickup by 15% with no plausible reason why. It was a 14 year old …
Driver's side wheel clicking noise. - AnandTech Forums
May 18, 2013 · Twenty to one somebody installed the brake hardware wrong and it's rubbing against the wheel. Check to make sure the metal tabs are underneath the wear indicators.
Having a testicular ultrasound is not awkward at all
Oct 17, 2002 · Funny and semi related story: I was not looking forward to a physical this year (1st full physical of my life, hadn't been to doctor since I was about 12) because I assumed, and …