Role as an Audit Institution | U.S. GAO - U.S. Government ...
GAO is the supreme audit institution for the United States. Federal and state auditors look to GAO to provide standards for internal controls, financial audits, and other types of government audits. Jump To: Jump To
Reports | U.S. GAO
GAO is best known for our reports that detail the findings of our evaluations and audits. Read our latest reports. In addition to our audit reports, we issue several other types of products. Quick-Read Reports: These products synthesize information relevant to current or emerging issues, generally in no more than two pages.
U.S. Government Accountability Office (U.S. GAO)
Gene L. Dodaro is the eighth Comptroller General of the United States and head of GAO. As Comptroller General, Mr. Dodaro leads GAO and helps oversee the hundreds of reports and testimonies that GAO provides each year to various committees and individual Members of Congress. The U.S. Comptroller General is appointed to a 15-year term.
Federal Financial Accountability | U.S. GAO - U.S. Government ...
Feb 15, 2018 · GAO has been auditing the federal government’s consolidated financial statements since FY 1997 (as well as various other federal financial statements). However, GAO continues to be unable to render an audit opinion on the government’s accrual-based consolidated financial statements—which present historical information such as assets ...
Inspector General | U.S. GAO
The Office of Inspector General (OIG) independently conducts audits, evaluations, and other reviews of GAO programs and operations and makes recommendations to promote the agency's economy, efficiency, and effectiveness. The OIG also investigates allegations of fraud, waste, mismanagement, and violations of rules and laws related to GAO employees.
Center for Audit Excellence | U.S. GAO
CAE is staffed by former senior-level GAO executives and managers to ensure high-quality services and provide independence from the GAO offices that provide routine audit and oversight services. Bios (PDF, 2 pages) Relevant legislation (PDF, 3 pages) Eligibility criteria for CAE assistance (PDF, 1 page)
2018 Revision Technical Update April 2021 ( GAO-21-368G , April 2021). The 2024 revision of Government Auditing Standards is effective for financial audits, attestation engagements, and reviews of financial statements for periods beginning on or after December 15, 2025, and for performance audits beginning on or after December 15, 2025. A
officials explained that EITC audits are primarily pre -refund audits and are conducted through correspondence, requiring less time . Also, lower-income audits tend to have a higher rate of change to taxes owed. View GAO-22-104960. For more information, contact James R. McTigue, Jr. at (202) 512-6806 or [email protected]. Why GAO Did This Study
GAO, Government Auditing Standards: 2018 Revision, GAO -21 368G (Washington, D.C.: April 2021) 2. The concepts cited may also be applicable to other GAGAS engagements, based on the auditors’ judgments. This discussion is limited to considering these concepts in performance audits. GAGAS Performance Audits: Discussion of
Performance Auditing: - U.S. Government Accountability Office …
Sep 25, 2013 · Last fiscal year, financial benefits from GAO's work totaled $55.8 billion U.S. dollars, a $105 return on every dollar invested in GAO. In addition to financial benefits, GAO also documented 1,440 other benefits that shaped legislation, improved services to the public and strengthened government operations.