Furien Supreme v5 [API Classes & Weapons] - AlliedModders
May 5, 2023 · #if defined _furien_supreme_included #endinput #endif #define _furien_supreme_included enum { Primary_Weapon, Secondary_Weapon } /** * Registers Furien Classes * * @param szName Class Name * @param szDesc Class Description * @param szModel Player model * @param fSpeed Class Speed * @param fGravity Class Gravity * @param szFlag Flag required to use the Class * @param szFlagDesc Description - ie.
FURIEN MOD V0.5.7 - alliedmods.net
Mar 15, 2017 · 25 for ExtraVIP in furien 20 for ExtraVIP in anti-furien 20 for VIP in furien 15 for VIP in anti-furien 15 for Normal in furien 10 for Normal in anti-furien *. Infinite money. All players can get more than 16000$ All player's money is saved with nvault. 2. Special items Furiens: Protection: You have 20% of chance for not lose HP. Camouflage:
New Furien Knife Menu - AlliedModders
Oct 18, 2019 · New Furien Knife Menu Unapproved/Old Plugins. That works much nicer. Also reason why it won't work on any mod is the cstrike include.
[CS:GO] FurienGO [1.5.1] (Updated: 08.03.2017 [D.M.Y]) - !Private ...
Furien is very famous mod from Counter-Strike 1.6 where Anti-Furiens (CTs) trying to kill all Furiens(Ts). But it's not easy how looks.. Furiens are very fast and invisible when they are not moving. They can buy items from shop like extra HP, SuperKnife, etc...
Cerere Plugins Furien - AlliedModders
Apr 3, 2024 · Cerere Plugins Furien Suggestions / Requests. it's not what I'm looking for, I want it to be above, as I wrote, because I want to make furien and anti furien separate, that's why I asked for a plugins, as I wrote above, because if I were to take that one, I want to make different furien addons if someone can make the plugin themselves
Furien v0.5 - AlliedModders
Jun 18, 2013 · Hey , I am looking for plugin : Furien v0.5 , its for cs 1.6, I searched everywhere! The new versions got new features and I disliked it , I seen the Furien v0.5 at
FURIEN MOD V0.5.7 Sub-Plugins - alliedmods.net
Jun 21, 2017 · - All Furien Mod v0.5.7 sub-plugins will be posted here. It includes some plugin that members asked me to do in private and It seen good to share. So if you wanna any another edit, PM me and I'll share it depending of it's type. _____
Furien Mod v0.5.7 - Page 18 - AlliedModders
Nov 15, 2021 · 25 for extravip in furien 20 for extravip in anti-furien 20 for vip in furien 15 for vip in anti-furien 15 for normal in furien 10 for normal in anti-furien *. Infinite money. all players can get more than 16000$ all player's money is saved with nvault. 2. Special items furiens: protection: you have 20% of chance for not lose hp. camouflage:
Furien Plugins - AlliedModders
Jul 23, 2012 · I need Some Plugins For the Furien Mod: 1. The Stand Still Invisibility ( For Furiens ) 2. The Wall Hook ...
[CS:S] FurienMod Source - AlliedModders
Aug 11, 2012 · -Terrorist are Furien and CounterTerrorist are AntiFurien.-Terrorist have invisibility only when they not moving.-Furiens can activate climb mode with drop command (G key).-Furiens have more velocity-Furiens have less gravity-Furiens cant buy weapons-Furiens team have the same model-AntiFuriens team have the same model-Change teams in end round