Cross-platform Open-source 2D CAD Wiki, Howtos, Tutorials: https://dokuwiki.librecad ... Free forum by Nabble:
Tutorial LibreCAD - Beginner Level
Librecad is the best 2D software aplication. Work on windows, linux, mac. ... Librecad 2D Free CAD
LibreCAD-user - Isometric drawings
Jan 23, 2024 · Isometric drawings. I had been using another CAD program to produce isometric drawings from 2D drawings. I don't know if LibreCAD will do this.
Why Professional CAD user cannot use LibreCAD as commercial …
In any other 2D commercial licensed softwares includes 3D modeling, Parametric features in 2D drawings, Special workflows for specific task such as MEP, HVAC, BIM (Engineering terms) and so on. Which can be acceptable to NOT include in FOSS like LibreCAD. Hope to get my opinion. This should be taken as suggestion, not a negative reviews.
CAD templates, blocks etc.... - Blocks - LibreCAD
@All This is a block list for architectural works, the files come from different websites, I do not own the right of them, but they were free to dowload legally, so I create a group of the most used ones in order to create a little library to add into your LC library, I hope you will benefit of this list.
Can a 2D-LibreCAD Drawing exported to csv file?
May 19, 2020 · I would like to know whether it is possible to export a 2D LibreCAD drawing into a csv (comma separated value) file. I have tried to export it from File-->Export. There only available three options: Export as MarkerCAM SVG, Export as PDF, and Export as Image. No to csv. I …
LibreCAD-user - Differences between QCAD and LibreCAD
Mar 3, 2012 · LibreCAD is and always will be a free and open source 2D CAD application and there will be much ...
LibreCAD-dev - Appearance and Commands
May 26, 2022 · But to your questions, LibreCAD is not a free version of AutoCAD(r), but is very decent 2d-cad that stands on its' own . So I think better option would be starting with tutorials and docs, links are at the top of the main page. Green icons have been disucssed before. I …
Suggestions & Feedback - Grouping function - LibreCAD
Apr 9, 2019 · Grouping function. Hello, The group function is useful to handle a group of entities without creating a bloc. Could it be implemented (possibly using block code)
CAD - Make a face - LibreCAD
Jul 11, 2022 · How do I put four lines together and then turn it into a face that I can select and add a fill color? I tried using he snap ends to create a rectangle and then use the hash tool to make the face, but it said it was not closed by .0000349 e-4 inches.