What is the difference between a hostname and a fully qualified …
May 15, 2011 · So if the name of your computer is bob, and your company's domain is contoso.local, your computer's fully qualified domain name (FQDN) is bob.contoso.local.: …
FQDN and non FQDN - Check Point CheckMates
Dec 17, 2024 · FQDN Mode: This mode matches traffic to the exact domain specified. For example, if you configure a domain object as .example.com , it will only match traffic to …
Why should I use an FQDN instead of the server's IP address?
Jul 10, 2016 · Using a FQDN instead of an IP address means that, if you were to migrate your service to a server with a different IP address, you would be able to simply change the record …
Setting the hostname: FQDN or short name? - Server Fault
Setup prompts you to supply a host name for this computer, either as a fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) in the format hostname.domainname or as a short host name in the format …
Local DNS not resolving host name but will resolve FQDN
I have a Win2k domain that has recently started having problems with clients connecting to network shares. I attempted to disjoin/rejoin a client and have not been able to get it …
Which FQDN hostname to use for SSL certificate signing request
When completing the certificate signing request, for "Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name)", what should I enter? Should I enter the canonical name (https://portal.dlinkddns.com) …
How do I get rsyslogd to log a server's FQDN instead of it's short ...
I'm trying to implement a simple centralized syslog server using stock rsyslogd (4.2.0-2ubuntu8.1) on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. At this point I have all my client nodes sending logs to the central …
Solved: FQDN routing - Check Point CheckMates
Jul 26, 2023 · To get the internal FQDN, you will need to configure the gateway to use Internal DNS servers, not the external one. If this isn't working with an internal IP (i.e using a host …
Blocking list of domain names (FQDN) with R80.10 - Check Point …
May 22, 2019 · I want to block a list of domain names (example.com, google.com, customurl1.com, customurl2.com, customurl3.com, and so forth) using Checkpoint Firewall …
Using DNS FQDN for object names in policy creation - Check …
Team can you please let me know, how to use DNS FQDN for object names in policy creation. What are the advantages and disadvantages and any things I need to take into consideration …