Size of pot for starting a seeds - Dave's Garden
Feb 5, 2011 · I don't always pot-up - it depends on the weather. If it looks like it's not going below 45F for the next week, the tomatoes go into the ground, otherwise they go into a larger pot. The two main things, as far as I am concerned, is not to disturb the root ball and not let the plant get root bound. I sow seeds at one week intervals for three weeks.
Origins of terra cotta, and using clay pots in today's garden
May 30, 2012 · Common clay pots are inexpensive and widely sold in either standard or short "azalea pot" sizes. Both shapes of clay pot work well for many plants. Unique designs in terra cotta, as well as thicker frost proof clay pots, are sold at some garden centers. Use the pot that looks pleasing for the size and shape of its inhabitant.
Beginner Gardening:Pot Size for Draceana marginata - Dave's …
Oct 11, 2014 · Move it up into just the next size up pot. Sounds like it is in a 4" pot now, so a 6" would be good. Mine was the same, and I put it into a 6" clay pot. The clay breathes better, and is heavier, so it does not fall over so much.
What size pot for morning glories - Dave's Garden
May 27, 2008 · The Japanese Morning Glory comes in a lot of sizes and the needs will vary. I have put 8 youjiros in a 4 gallon pot and they grew 10 feet and stayed smothered in blooms. For the larger vines like the Akatsuki or Heian series they need a lot more room. 5 large flower vines in a 4 gallon is indeed pushing it(but with feeding I got by with it lol!)
My Friends, Frog and Toad - Dave's Garden
Jun 15, 2009 · For toads, something as simple as a clay flower pot half-buried on its side in a shady spot will do just fine. If you feel more creative, paint and decorate a large tin can. Be sure to flatten or cover any sharp edges. Putting a few "toad houses" around your garden will give them a place to rest between their assaults on your bug population.
Running Out of Room for Houseplants? Try Miniature African Violets
Apr 24, 2008 · Most miniature plants will never need anything larger than a 1 ½ or 2 inch diameter pot (3 inches for semi-miniatures). As with standard African violets, the diameter of the plant can be up to three times the diameter of the pot. African …
Queen's Tears: the Beginning of Beautiful Billbergia - Dave's Garden
Dec 1, 2014 · They can be mounted on wood or bark, or planted in coarse potting mix. For Queen's tears and others with a weeping flower spray, remember to elevate on a stand or by hanging, for the height needed to appreciate the long stems. Like any Bromeliad with a "cup," water the rosettes and let the overflow moisten the root zone.
The tête-à-tête daffodil - enjoy it twice, once in a pot and forever …
Feb 18, 2008 · They flower in early spring, and should spread happily in any zone with a discernible winter, say zone 8 and colder. They would do well with a little bulb fertilizer, if you happen to remember. Their perky bright yellow goes particularly well with grape hyacinth (muscari armeniacum) or blue creeping phlox (phlox subulata).
insulating the interior of pots with bubble wrap - Dave's Garden
Sep 10, 2006 · With a little added expense, had you thought about double potting them. A cheap pot inside. The outside pot being a little larger and decorative. In between the pots you could insulate with styrofoam or bubble wrap. Then cover the top of the plant and the insulation with a sphagnum moss or other decorative and insulating ground cover.
Tomatoes For Containers - Dave's Garden
Jun 2, 2018 · For best production, the ideal pot size is 18-inch diameter for determinate tomatoes and 24-inch diameter for indeterminate tomatoes. When using a fabric pot or grow bag, choose the 20 gallon size. If you use a smaller container like a 5-gallon bucket, select the smaller patio or bush types such as 'Patio', 'Better Bush', and 'Bush Goliath'.