Reviews For: FlexRadio SDR-1000 - eHam.net
Review Summary For : FlexRadio SDR-1000; Reviews: 58 MSRP: 1399.00 100w ver/ $925 1w ver; Description: Software Defined Radio: RF section on three small boards. A Tayloe Detector/mixer converts the RF to two channels of audio 90deg out of phase. DSP, etc. is then done in the PC, using the soundcard. Product is not in production
Pi-SDR+ for Flex Radio SDR-1000 / SoftRock / Ensemble SDR
The Pi SDR IQ Plus is a high end sound processor and cat control featuring the AK5394A ADC giving 123dB of Rx dynamic range and a 192K panadapter for your SDR-1000 or Softrock/Ensemble SDR. Product is in production
Reviews For: FlexRadio SDR-1000 - eHam.net
Review Summary For : FlexRadio SDR-1000; Reviews: 58 MSRP: 1399.00 100w ver/ $925 1w ver; Description: Software Defined Radio: RF section on three small boards. A Tayloe Detector/mixer converts the RF to two channels of audio 90deg out of phase. DSP, etc. is then done in the PC, using the soundcard. Product is not in production
Reviews For: FlexRadio FLEX-5000 - eHam.net
The FLEX-5000 is the next generation of software defined radios which now integrates all A/D & D/A functions and control over a single FireWire (IEEE-1394a) connection to a user provided computer running PowerSDR.
Reviews For: FlexRadio FLEX-3000 - eHam.net
The FLEX-3000™ is the newest member of FlexRadio Systems' high performance 100% Software Defined Radio (SDR) transceiver family. The FLEX-3000 is a "direct descendant" of the FLEX-5000™; it integrates all A/D & D/A functions and control over a single FireWire (IEEE-1394a) connection to a user provided computer running FlexRadio PowerSDR.
Reviews For: FlexRadio FLEX-5000 - eHam.net
The FLEX-5000 is the next generation of software defined radios which now integrates all A/D & D/A functions and control over a single FireWire (IEEE-1394a) connection to a user provided computer running PowerSDR.
Reviews For: FlexRadio SDR-1000 - eHam.net
Bored with ham radio? Try a Flex-Radio! Time Owned: 3 to 6 months. If your bored with your current ham toys, you should spend the money for at least a used SDR-1000. This radio can really help put the fun back into ham radio. Mine gets a daily workout while the other radios (FT-847, FT-817's, etc) sit quietly on the desk awaiting their turn to ...
Reviews For: FlexRadio FLEX-6300 - eHam.net
The FLEX-6300™ is for the amateur operator who wants to experience the magic of software defined radio in the highest performance 100W transceiver family available today.
Reviews For: FlexRadio FLEX-6300 - eHam.net
The FLEX-6300™ is for the amateur operator who wants to experience the magic of software defined radio in the highest performance 100W transceiver family available today.
Classified: Flex 1500 / Flex SDR 1000 Removed - eHam.net
Looking to buy a Flex 1500 does not have to be late model an older model is fine but it has to be in good shape. I would also take a Flex SDR 1000 but will not pay over $450 for it Thanks