Use Google Drive for desktop - Google Drive Help
Sync files and folders to Drive for Desktop. When you first open Drive for desktop, you receive a notification “Google Drive would like to start syncing.” Click OK. On your computer, open Drive for desktop . You can sync files from your computer to Google Drive and backup to Google Photos. On your computer, open Drive for desktop .
Install Drive for desktop - Google Workspace Learning Center
After syncing, the files on your computer match the files in the cloud. If you edit, delete, or move a file in one location, the same change happens in the other location. That way, your files are always up to date and can be accessed from any device. On this page. Install and open Drive for desktop; Open files on your desktop; Set up sync
Open, save, or delete files on your Chromebook - Google Help
Open Files . On the left, choose where your file is saved. For files you’ve just used, select Recent. You can sort recent files by name, size, type, or date. To search for your saved file, in the upper right, select Search . For Android app files, under "My files," select Play files.
Access another computer with Chrome Remote Desktop
The virtual desktop session is created and .chrome-remote-desktop-session starts when Chrome Remote Desktop starts. Tip: Your desktop environment may not support more than one session at a time. In this case, we recommend that you use different desktop environments for your Chrome Remote Desktop session and your local session, or use the ...
Upload files & folders to Google Drive - Computer - Google Drive …
On your computer, you can upload from drive.google.com or your desktop. You can upload files into private or shared folders. On your computer, go to drive.google.com. At the top left, click New File Upload or Folder Upload. Choose the file or folder you want to upload.
Use Google Drive files offline
Use files offline with Drive for desktop. Drive for desktop is an application for Windows and macOS that lets you quickly access content directly from your desktop, helping you easily access files and folders in a familiar location. If you mirror files and folders, that content is always available offline.
Stream & mirror files with Drive for desktop - Google Help
Files can only be accessed when Drive for desktop is running. Files are available offline and online. Files can be accessed via Finder on macOS or File Explorer on Windows. Supported drive types: Files from shared drives, other computers, and backed-up USB devices can only be streamed. My Drive can be streamed or mirrored.
Fix problems in Drive for desktop
You might encounter these general problems with Drive for desktop: Files not syncing between your computer and My Drive. Drive for desktop stops or quits suddenly. Try to fix the issues with these basic steps: Checking your computer's internet connection. Restarting Drive for desktop. Restarting your computer. Disconnecting and reconnecting ...
Transfer files between your computer & Android device
Upload files to your Google Account to use them on both your computer and device. Files: Learn how to upload files and folders to Google Drive. Music: Learn how to get started with YouTube Music. Photos: Learn how to back up photos and videos to Google Photos.
Find files shared with you in Drive - Computer - Google Help
Files shared with you. Folders shared with you. Files shared with a link that you have opened. Starting with the most recent file that was shared with you, you’ll see: The date the file was shared with you. The owner of the file. The document type. Add shortcuts to Drive files shared with you. If you want to organize shared files, add a ...