Filariasis - Wikipedia
The most common type is lymphatic filariasis caused by three species of Filaria that are spread by mosquitoes. Other types of filariasis are onchocerciasis also known as river blindness caused by onchocerca volvulus ; Loa loa filariasis (Loiasis) caused by Loa loa ; Mansonelliasis caused by three species of Mansonella , and Dirofilariasis ...
Lymphatic filariasis - World Health Organization (WHO)
Nov 21, 2024 · Overview. Lymphatic filariasis (LF), commonly known as elephantiasis, is a neglected tropical disease. Infection occurs when filarial parasites are transmitted to humans through mosquitoes.
Symptoms of Lymphatic Filariasis | Filarial Worms | CDC
May 13, 2024 · Symptoms. The parasite that causes lymphatic filariasis attacks an infected person's lymph system. This system maintains the body's fluid balance and fights infections.
Filariasis - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment , FAQs - Medindia
Feb 15, 2016 · There are eight different types of thread-like nematodes that cause filariasis. Most cases of filaria are caused by the parasite known as Wuchereria bancrofti.
Lymphatic Filariasis (Elephantiasis) - Cleveland Clinic
Jul 23, 2024 · What is elephantiasis? Elephantiasis (pronounced “eh-luh-fuhn-TAI-uh-suhs”) is a type of infectious disease that causes skin thickening and (in some cases) disfigurement. You get elephantiasis through tiny parasitic worms (filarial worms) that infect your lymphatic system.These parasites block your lymphatic capillaries and cause fluid to accumulate.
Filaria - Wikipedia
Filaria is a genus of nematodes belonging to the family Filariidae. [1]The genus has cosmopolitan distribution. [1]Species: [1] Filaria acutiuscula Molin, 1858; Filaria bufonis Molin, 1858; Filaria loliginis Delle Chiaje, 1829; Filaria martis Gmelin, 1791; Filaria piscium Rudolphi, 1809; Filaria smithi Sambon, 1907; Filaria terebra Diesing, 1851; Filaria tuberculata von Linstow, 1877
Filarioidea - Wikipedia
[2] [3] Species within this superfamily are known as filarial worms or filariae (singular filaria). Infections with parasitic filarial worms cause disease conditions generically known as filariasis. Drugs against these worms are known as filaricides.
About Lymphatic Filariasis | Filarial Worms | CDC
May 13, 2024 · Overview. Lymphatic filariasis, sometimes called LF, is a disease caused by an infection with thread-like parasitic worms. A parasite is an organism (a living thing) that lives on or inside another organism.
About Filarial Worms | Filarial Worms | CDC - Centers for …
May 13, 2024 · Onchocerciasis and lymphatic filariasis are currently the target of mass drug administration (MDA) campaigns. These campaigns deliver safe and inexpensive drugs aimed at reducing or eliminating transmission of these infections. For some, filaria MDA will reduce symptoms as well. For others, other treatments are needed for symptoms.
Filariasis | Description, Cause, Transmission, Symptoms,
Filariasis is a group of infectious disorders caused by threadlike nematodes of the superfamily Filarioidea that invade the subcutaneous tissues and lymphatics of mammals, producing reactions varying from acute inflammation to chronic scarring. In the form of heartworm disease, it may be fatal to dogs and other mammals.