Erk - Fire Emblem Wiki
Erk is a playable character in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade. He is a solemn, intellectual young man who is deeply devoted to his studies. He despises distractions, especially when they …
Erk - Serenes Forest
This site was created to provide accurate and reliable information about the Fire Emblem series.
Recruitment - Characters - Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword - Tanas …
Erk: Mage: 14: Starts as NPC. Recruit with Serra or Priscilla. Priscilla: Troubadour: 14: Visit SW house to recruit her. Also joins in Ch. 15 if village isn't destroyed and Erk is recruited. Lyn: …
Erk/Supports - Fire Emblem Wiki
Erk:...Well, you did introduce me to Lord Eliwood... But that's about it, really. I owe you no special obligation. Serra: That's the most ungrateful thing I've ever heard! You know, Erk, I've been …
Erk (Character) - Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade (FE7) - Triangle …
Erk was raised by the Mage General Pent and his wife, Lady Louise in Etruria. He is a solemn, smart young mage who loves to study so much, he disregards his own health. This page …
Erk as a unit, good or bad? : r/fireemblem - Reddit
Erk as a unit, good or bad? Pretty decent, leans more to good than bad, but often outclassed by Pent. I'd use the questions thread next time though. Solid chip damage and gets up to OHKO …
FE7 Redux Tier List Round 4: Serra and Erk : r/fireemblem - Reddit
Mar 26, 2021 · Erk: C tier for both. Erk is ok, he gets a couple extra levels from LM that help him a little bit, but not so much that it requires a tier difference. Erk has magic chip in the early game, …
Which is the better unit: Erk, Lucius, or Canas?
Erk has the best availability and is a middle ground between the two. Thunder is the best common spell. Availability vs. bulk vs. player phase/staves. Just a matter of perspective since it's too...
Pent or erk? : r/fireemblem - Reddit
Erk is one of my two favorite FE7 characters, but if you want to play it safe, just go with Pent. Pent is about as good as an average Erk and doesn't take all that experience you'd need to get Erk …
Erk - Fire Emblem Wiki
Erk (Japanese: エルク Erk) is an Etrurian mage appearing in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade. He is a student of magic studying under Etruria's Mage General, Pent.