Spoink Pokédex: stats, moves, evolution & locations
Spoink is a Psychic type Pokémon introduced in Generation 3. 1. Thick Fat. 2. Own Tempo. The ranges shown on the right are for a level 100 Pokémon. Maximum values are based on a beneficial nature, 252 EVs, 31 IVs; minimum values are based on a hindering nature, 0 EVs, 0 IVs. The effectiveness of each type on Spoink.
Spoink - #325 - Serebii.net Pokédex
Abilities: Thick Fat - Own Tempo - Gluttony (Hidden Ability) Thick Fat : Fire and Ice-type moves deal 50% damage. Own Tempo : The Pokémon cannot be Confused while having this ability.
Spoink | Pokédex - The Official Pokémon Website
Thick Fat. The Pokémon is protected by a layer of thick fat, which halves the damage taken from Fire- and Ice-type moves.
#325 Spoink - Serebii.net
This Pokédex is for Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed & LeafGreen. If you're looking for the Sword & Shield, Check out Spoink Pokémon Sword & Shield data
Spoink (Pokémon) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon …
Nov 24, 2024 · Spoink (Japanese: バネブー Baneboo) is a Psychic-type Pokémon introduced in Generation III. It evolves into Grumpig starting at level 32. Spoink is a gray, pig -like Pokémon. It has dark, circular eyes, a large gray nose, and small ears. It has stubby arms and possesses no hind legs. Motion is achieved by bouncing on its spring-like tail.
Spoink - Pokémon ORAS Wiki
Spoink Type Psychic National Dex #325 Earliest Location Jagged Pass Abilities Thick Fat Boosts resistance to Fire- and Ice-type moves. Own Tempo Prevents the
Grumpig Pokédex: stats, moves, evolution & locations
Grumpig is a Psychic type Pokémon introduced in Generation 3. 1. Thick Fat. 2. Own Tempo. The ranges shown on the right are for a level 100 Pokémon. Maximum values are based on a beneficial nature, 252 EVs, 31 IVs; minimum values are based on a hindering nature, 0 EVs, 0 IVs. The effectiveness of each type on Grumpig.
Spoink | RotomLabs Pokédex
Spoink (#325) moves, abilities, stats, data, evolutions, and more on the RotomLabs Pokédex.
Spoink | Pokédex | The official Pokémon Website in Singapore
Ability Thick Fat The Pokémon is protected by a layer of thick fat, which halves the damage taken from Fire- and Ice-type moves.
[ Spoink ] The Pokémon Index: Evolution Chart, Move List, Images ...
Thick Fat: Ups resistance to Fire- and Ice-type moves. Own Tempo: Prevents the Pokémon from becoming confused. Hidden Gluttony: Encourages the early use of a held Berry.
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