Cabomba - Wikipedia
It has divided submerged leaves in the shape of a fan (hence the vernacular name fanwort) and is much favoured by aquarists as an ornamental and oxygenating plant for fish tanks.
Fanwort is a submerged invasive aquatic plant that can form dense mats at the water surface. The delicate green underwater leaves are fan-like and average 2 inches across. Leaves are arranged in opposite pairs on the stem. Small oval floating leaves are occasionally present.
Fanwort – Profile and Resources | Invasive Species Centre
Fanwort is an invasive aquatic plant native to the southeastern United States and parts of South America. Today, it has invaded parts of the Crowe River watershed in central Ontario, as well as waters in the northern United States, Asia, and Australia (Ontario, 2018).
Carolina fanwort (Cabomba caroliniana) - Species Profile
Fanwort stems become brittle in late summer, which causes the plant to break apart, facilitating its distribution and invasion of new waterbodies. It produces seed but vegetative reproduction seems to be its main vehicle for spreading to new waters.
Cabomba Plant Care: Everything You Need To Know - Aquarium …
Mar 5, 2025 · Also known as fanwort, Cabomba (Cabomba aquatica) is a beautiful plant that can create a stunningly dense underwater forest. These plants are relatively delicate and have a few complex care requirements.
Fanwort - AquaPlant: Management of Pond Plants & Algae
What is Fanwort, Cabomba? Physical Characteristics Leaves: two types. Submersed: Opposite; Whorled; Short leaf stalks; Floating: Alternate; Leaf blade linear or oval-shaped; Flowers: Single flower at end of long; At or above water surface; Usually 3 sepals; Usually 3 petals; Petals alternate with sepals; 3-36 stamen; Short anthers; Fruit:
Cabomba caroliniana - Wikipedia
Cabomba caroliniana, commonly known as Carolina fanwort, [3] is a rhizomatous, [4] aquatic, [5] perennial, [3] herb [5] native to North and South America. [2] Having been a popular aquarium plant, [6] it has been exported around the world, and has become an invasive species in Europe and Australia. [7] [8]
How to Plant & Grow Cabomba (Cabomba caroliniana) - Pond …
Jul 12, 2020 · Cabomba, also known as Carolina fanwort, green cabomba, or Brazilian fanwort, is perennial aquatic plant that grows fully submerged with the exception of the flowers (and occasional leaves) of mature individuals, which float atop the water.
Fanwort | Cabomba spp. - Mississippi State University Extension …
Feb 14, 2025 · Fanwort features small flowers that are white to pinkish with yellow centers. They are attached to the same upper leaf axis as the floating leaves, and are less than half an inch wide. Fanwort is abundant in ponds, lakes, and slow-flowing streams and rivers.
Cabomba Plant Care: Green, Purple & Red Leaves - Aquarium …
Cabomba plants are almost always available in stores, and may also be sold under the names Green Cabomba, Carolina Fanwort, Brazilian Fanwort, or simply Fanwort. Cabomba plants can be green or reddish-purple, with Green Cabomba plants being …