FT-990 Group | QRZ Forums
Mar 10, 2006 · FT-990 Group. Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by G7VOT, Mar 10 ...
FL-7000 and FT-990 Power output - forums.qrz.com
Jul 11, 2016 · I have paired it with an FT-990, no interface cable so I am running manual mode. (remote to PTT) and (ALC to ALC). Properly grounded, good cables. I followed N4ATS.com set for ALC level. ON the set up he says to adjust the ALC up to 600W output, can't get there goes into protect just passing 500W.
Yaesu FT-991a Review/Overview/Demo | Page 2 | QRZ Forums
Aug 19, 2017 · Thx for the Video! Glad to see a good review on the FT-991a instead of all the old reviews of the 1st model out there and the fancy pants Icom fanboys that say this radio is a POS and being told I should've bought a 7300!
New video Series - FLDIGI to the Yaesu FT-817 - QRZ Forums
Oct 26, 2017 · The next video in the series deals with the configuration of the audio between the Yaesu FT-817 and the computer using the simplest possible configuration to achieve the task to include a Y adapter as an auto monitor to forego the need for a software monitor in pulse audio.
Yaesu FT 991A vs Icom IC 7300 - Which Radio Should You Buy?
Aug 5, 2021 · If you want to work or get into HSMS & EME on 144, consider the 991A.With a simple antenna you can work HSMS on 50MHz with the 7300 (+EME on 50MHz~ requires ant gain on both ends).
Yaesu FT 991A vs Icom IC 7300 - Which Radio Should You Buy?
Aug 5, 2021 · I get asked this question a lot! Which radio should you buy? The Yaesu FT-991A or the Icom IC-7300, both great radios for the starting ham.
MFJ-998 automatic antenna tuner 1500 Watts - Review and Setup
Jun 18, 2017 · This is the MFJ-998 automatic antenna tuner 1500 Watts - Full Review and Setup. Tested with my Kenwood TS-990 and Heathkit SB-221 1.3kW tube amplifier...
A Closer Look At N1MM Loggers Spectrum Display - QRZ Forums
Sep 22, 2017 · I use N1MM+ and I have an Icom 7300. The people who develop and maintain N1MM+ are producing an amazing application.
990 group looking for members. | QRZ Forums
Mar 8, 2006 · A Yaesu FT-990 Yahoo Group is looking to expand it's membership and get a regular 990 net on the air. Interested people please visit FT990 NET and...
ICOM IC-705: A slightly different perspective - QRZ Forums
Sep 24, 2019 · Telling that you seem to think an antenna is either resonant or "random wire" which presumably means end fed. I use a balanced line fed doublet at home, all bands. Without my amp I can run it through an in-shack balun and my FT-990 internal tuner fine, but that old radio matches a much wider range than the newer ones.