Yaesu FT-920, Yaesu FT920 - Universal Radio
The Yaesu FT-920 is packed with really high tech features such as: a high performance 33 MIPS DSP circuit for razor-sharp selectivity, increased average power output and voice pattern contour choice, automatic seeking DSP notch and noise reduction, built-in antenna tuner for RX and TX, DSP bandwidth controls and shuttle jog tuning controls.
RigPix Database - Yaesu - FT-920
Yaesu FT-920 SPECIFICATIONS. GENERAL: Type: Amateur HF/VHF transceiver: Frequency range: TX: 10-160 m + WARC / 50-54 MHz RX: 0.1-30 / 48-56 MHz Tuning steps: 1 / 10 / 100 Hz, 1 KHz: Frequency stability: ±10 ppm (No temperature reference) ±2 ppm with optional TCXO-7: Mode: AM / SSB / CW / "Data" (FM option) Channels / memory management:
Reviews For: Yaesu FT-920 - eHam.net
It's a big desk-eating monster that justifies every acre of real estate it inhabits! The RX sensitivity and audio quality are incredible. If I have anything BAD to say about it's RX, it's that the rig's sensitivity is far too hot with the attenuation turned off.
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Utilizing rugged MRF255 FETs in the final amplifier, the FT-920 produces 100 Watts of clean output power from 1.8 MHz through 54 MHz! Built into an aluminum die-cast unibody chassis, the FT-920's thermal dissipation capability is unnmatched in its class.
YAESU FT-920 OPERATING MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
View and Download Yaesu FT-920 operating manual online. FT-920 transceiver pdf manual download.
FT-920 that gives in-depth, technical data on the transceiver’s performance, outlines our test methods and helps you interpret the numbers and charts. The report even includes a summary of how this radio stacks up with similar previously tested units. Request the FT-920 Test Result Report from the ARRL Technical Depart-ment, 860-594-0278. It ...
Yaesu FT-920 Specifications - Universal Radio
Specifications subject to change without notice or obligation.
Yaesu FT 920 Radio Transceiver for sale online - eBay
The FT-920 features an up-conversion technique and MRF255 field-effect transistors for an output power ranging to a maximum of 54 MHz. The double-balanced first mixer creates dynamic range, and the four-pole roofing filter at 68.985 Mhz protects subsequent receiver stages.
User manual Yaesu FT-920 (English - 98 pages)
The Yaesu FT-920 is a high-performance HF transceiver that offers a wide range of features for amateur radio enthusiasts. It operates on the HF bands (160-10 meters) as well as the 6 meter band. The receiver uses a triple conversion design for improved performance and sensitivity.
Yaesu FT-920 Specs and Prices - RadioMasterList.com
Yaesu FT-920 Price and Specifications. Amateur HF/50 MHz transceiver incorporating a multitude of advanced features. 100 Watts of adjustable power output. DSP filters, Notch filter, Noise Reduction, Digital Voice Recorder, RF preamplifiers, built-in …