RigPix Database - Yaesu - FT-840
Yaesu FT-840 SPECIFICATIONS. GENERAL: Type: Amateur HF transceiver: Frequency range: TX: 10-160 m + WARC RX: 0.1-30 MHz Tuning steps: 10 / 100 Hz, 1 KHz: Frequency stability: ±10 ppm @ 0 to 40°C (32 to 104°F) ±2 ppm with optional TCXO-4: Mode: AM / SSB / CW (FM option) Channels / memory management:
Reviews For: Yaesu FT-840 - eHam.net
The Yaesu FT840 is a great little rig. I have had mine for many years and it has been trouble free. As with many of the other reviews have stated it is a must to remove R2213 resistor from the main board and put it on a heat sink on the rear panel. You can see the details of the mod here - https://www.computer7.com/yaesu-ft-840-modification-for ...
Yaesu FT-840 HF, Yaesu FT840 Transceiver - Universal Radio
The compact Yaesu FT-840 has two direct digital synthesizers and rotary encoder that provide silky-smooth tuning. The excellent general coverage receiver tunes .1-30 MHz in 10 Hz steps. A 12 dB attenuator may be inserted for clear copy of very strong signals.
Yaesu FT-840 Specifications - Universal Radio
Range: Specifications subject to change without notice or obligation. * (Optional)
Yaesu FT-840 Specs and Prices - RadioMasterList.com
Yaesu FT-840 Price and Specifications. Transceiver with up to 100 Watts output power on all HF amateur radio bands. 100 kHz to 30 MHz receiver with IF-shift, reverse CW, noise blanker, dual VFOs. 100 memories, TX speech processor, two DDS …
Yaesu FT-840, Desktop Shortwave Transceiver - RigReference.com
For compact base and mobile stations, the FT-840 set the new standard for high-performance affordable transceivers. As a first-time rig, back-up or main station transceiver, the FT-840 has the features and dependability that both beginners and seasoned operators will appreciate.
Yaesu FT-840 Review - CB and Ham Radio - Ham and CB Radio
Nov 4, 2020 · Yaesu FT-840 Overview The Yaesu FT-840 is a robust little solid state HF radio that looks great, performs well and is a pleasure to operate. It has a really nice looking led readout with an orange back light.
- Reviews: 3
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For compact base and mobile stations, the FT-840 sets the new standard for high-performance affordable transceivers. As a first-time rig, back-up or main station transceiver, the FT-840 has the features and dependability that both beginners and seasoned operators will appreciate. MOX METER po ALC POWER PHONES MIC o 3 to 20 .
Yaesu FT-840 - HamGear.eu
One of the last no-nonsense HF-tranceivers around and still for sale today. The FT-840 uses a die-cast RF power amp with thermally switched fan to ensure full power output (up to 100 watts). The digitally synthesized local signals ensure clean, low-noise transmitter output on all HF amateur bands.
For compact base and mobile stations, the FT-840 set the new standard for high-performance affordable transceivers. As a first-time rig, back-up or main station transceiver, the FT-840 has the features and dependability that both beginners and seasoned operators will appreciate.
Yaesu FT-840 (FT 840 FT840) user and service manual, …
2 days ago · PDF presentation brochure for Yaesu FT-840 (FT 840 FT840) : Yaesu FT-840 brochure PDF Service Manual for Yaesu FT-840 (FT 840 FT840) : Yaesu FT-840 (FT 840 FT840) technical specifications : Yaesu FT-840 (FT 840 FT840) technical specifications: Type: Amateur HF transceiver: Frequency range: TX: 10-160 m + WARC RX: 0.1-30 MHz:
Reviews For: Yaesu FT-840 - eHam.net
I have sold all my Icom Radios and I have been slowly replacing them with Yaesu Products, The FT-840 is a great transceiver and so simple to operate, completely reliable and it has great sensitivity with the narrow CW filter installed.
Ft-840 - RadioReference.com Forums
Oct 23, 2009 · The FT-840 was my first HF radio. It worked well for the most part, although its receiver did leave a lot to be desired. It's a no-frills rig, but with a good antenna will get you out on the bands once properly licensed.
Yaesu FT-840 reviews - rigreference.com
Apr 16, 2024 · Solidly built for both mobile and base station use. The receive audio is excellent. Good reports on my transmit audio using a MC-50 microphone. I have an external DSP (Timewave DSP-9+) for use during contests. Very good rig for about $400.00 used. Hard to beat this rig. It is short on features but it does everything it was designed to do very well.
Reviews For: Yaesu FT-840 - eHam.net
The FT-840 has a hot little receiver and is broad banded in RF output. No tuning is required. You just speak or key and then adjust the RF Level to your output needs, up to 100W on SSB or CW.
Yaesu FT-840 Amateur HF transceiver | Tecomart
For compact base and mobile stations, the FT-840 set the new standard for high-performance affordable transceivers. As a first-time rig, back-up or main station transceiver, the FT-840 has the features and dependability that both beginners and seasoned operators will appreciate.
840 N Pine Street, - MLS# 25-2578 - Coldwell Banker
1 day ago · Find Property Information for 840 N Pine Street, Anchorage, AK 99508. MLS# 25-2578. View Photos, Pricing, Listing Status & More.
Reviews For: Yaesu FT-840 - eHam.net
I purchased a used FT-840 on EBay when I got my license about 6 months ago. It was priced at less than half of new price, and in good condition. This has been my primary station rig all that time. I have loved it and would strongly recommend it to any new ham. Specifically: I have never has any drift of any kind--it stays pegged on frequency.
Reviews For: Yaesu FT-840 - eHam.net
The FT 840 is a great radio and an excellent first rig, if you are just getting into the game and spot one you are satisfied with (condition wise) grab it!
Reviews For: Yaesu FT-840 - eHam.net
The FT-840 is a proven proformer having been in production for soo many years. I had an FT-840 with the FC-800 wire tuner in the early 90's, and several IC-718's with the AH-4 wire tuner over the past several years.
Reviews For: Yaesu FT-840 - eHam.net
Great mid size full feature rig! Time Owned: 3 to 6 months. This radio is the "backup" fixed station rig and primary portable station. Can't ask for more, it's simple and gives the operator all he/she needs to have fun QSOs from vacation spots and CQ party locations.
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