Browning BAR .308 or FNH FN AR? - Shooters Forum
Nov 21, 2008 · At the Range last week I stumbled on a FNH FN AR in .308 that looks just like the BAR but has the pistol grip and 20 round mag. After doing some research I found out FNH owns Browning, and the FN AR looks almost exactly like the BAR. I am looking for a one rifle does it all.
POTD: The BAR in Its Final Form – The FN Model D
Apr 25, 2024 · This Belgian beauty took John Browning’s influential BAR design and refined it to a class all its own. While initially based on FN’s licensed Colt Model 1925 copy in 1930, the FN Model D brought some tantalizing upgrades just two years later.
BAR Long or Short Trac - Shooters Forum
Sep 8, 2010 · The BAR Short Trac is a great rifle. It's basically an FN-FAL made for civilian use with a wood stock on it and prettied up. The FAL was good enough for NATO it should be good enough for you. Though, I don't think that anyone would really notice that much difference in recoil between the 308 short trac and the 30-06 long trac versions.
Positives or negatives on the Browning Bar II | Shooters Forum
Feb 9, 2011 · Well, the BAR is basically a FN FAL which is one of the best military rifles to have ever be developed. As good, if not better than the M-14, not to start a debate. The only difference between the two, meaning the FN FAL and the BAR, is the stock and sometimes the chambering, with the FN FAL usually being a 7.62X51.
Browning BAR MK3 DBM - Shooters Forum
Jan 10, 2017 · Browning BAR MK3 DBM Mags I just got off the phone with Browning Customer Support. They said any FN FNAR mags should fit. I think they are available in 5 and 20 round also. Browning will also be selling spares but they are backordered now.
Salt cured Browning stocks - Shooters Forum
Jun 8, 2011 · salt wood I know this post is a little old, but be aware that dates in and of themselves are not sufficiant to not get a salt gun stock.
.338 Lapua in an M1 Garand/M1A - Shooters Forum
Nov 20, 2017 · My FIRST inclination would be to find a BAR sporting rifle chambered for .338 Winchester and scale the new rifle's dimensions up, based on the ratio of case dimensions (.338 Lapua:.338 Winchester). Even if the first build ended up costing under $100,000, the resulting firearm would likely be quite heavy, perhaps even impractically so.
Browning Rifle Grades - Shooters Forum
Jul 15, 2023 · Browning used to use names for grades like 'Lighting, Pigeon, Pointer, Grade IV and Midas. FN in Belgium made the guns we call 'Browning' but they were FNs in Europe and there were more 'grades' than imaginable. When production went to Japan, they started the many different 'grades' that sometimes just meant 'options'.
Comparison of semi auto .308 rifles: BAR / Rem 750 vs AR
Jun 23, 2014 · Reliability of BAR I was tempted to ignore all of this but having hunted in Montana for years with a pair of BAR I feel I should share. bought a nice grade 2 in 1974 and it kept jamming . I finally found a retired marine armorer who showed me how to take out the fore end sling stud and drop oil onto the piston.
FN Belgian Browning A5 12 ga Serial Decode - Shooters Forum
Aug 9, 2017 · The vent rib, cross-bar safety, and round knob constrains it to about 1948 to 1968, but the carrier could move it to about '60 to 1968. That was the introduction of the 'speed load' feature I THINK. (still trying to find my book) Here is a discussion that pictures a 1928 A-5. I have a 1905 in considerably better condition and a straight grip.