instrument-flight-rules faa-knowledge-test - Aviation Stack …
Jan 3, 2024 · As pointed out in the answer by @Chris the correct answer in the FAA exam (#2) was an incomplete statement. Likely a trick question, designed to catch someone who remembered the 15,000 limit for passengers and thus assumed answer #2 was wrong and went with answer #1 because they didn't remember the 14,000 ft. limit for pilots. $\endgroup$
faa regulations - Package Substation below the VORTAC …
Jan 12, 2022 · Is it recommended to install a 100 KVA 13,800/400 Volts, 3 Phase, 60 Hertz Package Substation beneath the VORTAC Counterpoise Metallic Grids and what will be the effects if the substation is already
What does "Procedure NA" mean, when applied to a VOR sector?
Apr 23, 2022 · In the RNAV-A IAP for KGAI there's a note "Procedure NA for arrival on EMI VORTAC airway radials 151 CW 269". It appears that arriving from any airway radial to EMI would have the NoPT (of the 205 outbound) apply to it, and it's not clear how to interpret this note when joining the approach at WOOLY as the IAF. So what exactly does this note mean?
vor - What is the difference between unserviceable, unusable, and …
May 22, 2022 · UNSERVICEABLE (abbreviated U/S) is the ICAO version of what the FAA used to call OUT OF SERVICE (abbreviated OTS). To my mind this is less clear and a step backwards, but at least it's in line with the rest of the world now. UNUSABLE comes out to mean the same thing as UNSERVICEABLE: you cannot use the NAVAID.
What is "picture flying" and does the FAA define it?
May 29, 2018 · The legal method would be to tune the VORTAC and make the turn when the DME reads 1.5NM. One could make the argument that the DME is as inaccurate as the visual estimate from the picture flying. Aircraft climb at different rates and the angular distance affects the straight-line distance across the ground, especially if the instructions are ...
What is the difference between a VOR and a VORTAC?
A VORTAC (VHF Omni-directional Range/Tactical Air Navigation) combines a VOR ground station and a TACAN ground station into a single facility. If a VOR equipped aircraft is also equipped with a separate DME unit it will receive distance information between the TACAN ground station (at the single combined facility) and the aircraft.
navigation - Help reading a FAA departure procedure chart
Nov 16, 2020 · This particular SID advises the pilot departing Runway 3/21 to turn heading 335° and expect Radar Vectors to the GBN VORTAC. This is normal procedure considering the fact that so many airports in the same area share SIDs. Not all airports will have a co-located Navaid from which to start a SID.
What are the differences between a VOR and a VORTAC?
A VORTAC combines the VOR and TACAN in one location. Civil users will use the VOR signals which have the same performance as ordinary VOR signals. In addition they use the DME from the TACAN. Effectively a VORTAC is like a VOR/DME. Military users only use the TACAN, for them a VORTAC is the same as a TACAN.
What is the gray zigzag line over V154 between Dublin VORTAC …
The Airport/Facility Directory entry for Dublin VORTAC (as of the 31 MAR 2016 publication) reads, with added emphasis: DUBLIN N32°33.81′ W82°49.80′ NOTAM FILE MCN. (L) VORTAC 113.1 DBN Chan 78 276º 7.9 NM to W H 'Bud' Barron. 306/5W. HIWAS. VOR portion unusable: 215°–285° byd 10 NM blo 3,500’ 001°–139° byd 33 NM
faa - What is an "Alternate Airway"? - Aviation Stack Exchange
May 14, 2022 · They are however still mentioned in FAA Order JO 7110.65: b. VOR/VORTAC/TACAN alternate airways. State the word “Victor” followed by the number of the airway in group form and the alternate direction. EXAMPLE- "Victor Twelve South." (FAA Order JO 7110.65 2-5-1)