Ezri never should have been stationed on DS9 : r/DeepSpaceNine
Nov 6, 2023 · Dax had a super high opinion of the Klingons as an outsider, Curzon was bros with Kor and Kang, and Jadzia I think was someone who was in love with the idea of …
Ezri Dax and The Beginning Of The End Of DS9 : …
Jun 21, 2019 · The introduction of Ezri Dax, in my opinion, couldn't have been timed better. For one, we've lost Jadzia, one of my personal favourite characters despite the Trill retcon. Jadzia …
Ezri Dax Fans, explain to me why I shouldn't hate her.
Jun 19, 2013 · I think Ezri's problem is really that they wanted to keep Dax, but couldn't, so instead of creating an entirely new character, they gave us the next "host". Another issue is …
Jadzia or Ezri Dax? : r/startrek - Reddit
Jul 20, 2023 · Ezri was alright, but I found Jadzia's character more entertaining and funny personally. Actually, the only thing I "hate" about Ezri is not Ezri herself but how she ended up …
Ezri Dax > Jadzia Dax? : r/startrek - Reddit
Jun 12, 2023 · Ezri, on the other hand, is a much more consistently-written and dramatically intriguing character. She has a very clear character arc in her one season on the show, and …
I really like Ezri Dax : r/startrek - Reddit
Jul 8, 2019 · I think if they had longer to delve deeper into that and had a conflict between Ezri and Vic that would have been interesting (perhaps something that would develop into a …
Ezri Dax is hurting me! - DS9 S7E3 : r/startrek - Reddit
Jadzia didn't want Bashir. Sometimes the girl doesn't like you back. The idea they found a workaround because she died and Dax was placed in another woman host. Weird. The whole …
Eziri Dax sucks : r/startrek - Reddit
I liked Ezri Dax. Jadzia was a good character, but there were times she got on my nerves a bit (primarily how dismissive she was with her relationship to Worf for a while.) Ezri was funny …
Hot Take: It Was Important Ezri Dax Got That Season On DS9 For …
Totally agree about Sisko's relationship with Dax. Having Ezri come in as a young, inexperienced Dax brought their relationship full circle. There's another reason I think Ezri needed the …
Does anyone else think Ezri is really annoying? I feel like 70
Ezri isnt amazing in the show. But dor what she is. A fresh out of the academy never planned mental fusions person. She is fine. Its also just cool to she how trill are. Jadzia is ezri and both …