Ezri never should have been stationed on DS9 : r/DeepSpaceNine
Nov 6, 2023 · Dax had a super high opinion of the Klingons as an outsider, Curzon was bros with Kor and Kang, and Jadzia I think was someone who was in love with the idea of swashbuckling Klingons. Ezri didn’t get indoctrinated into the Dax’s lore - she got picked because she was a trill and if they didn’t implant Dax the symbiote dies
Ezri Dax and The Beginning Of The End Of DS9 : …
Jun 21, 2019 · The introduction of Ezri Dax, in my opinion, couldn't have been timed better. For one, we've lost Jadzia, one of my personal favourite characters despite the Trill retcon. Jadzia had been with "us" through 6 seasons of DS9, and had formented herself as a legitimate Officer within the Starfleet ranks.
Ezri Dax Fans, explain to me why I shouldn't hate her.
Jun 19, 2013 · I think Ezri's problem is really that they wanted to keep Dax, but couldn't, so instead of creating an entirely new character, they gave us the next "host". Another issue is that Ezri just didn't have the time to develop. The rest of the characters had been developing for 6 years, Worf twice that.
Jadzia or Ezri Dax? : r/startrek - Reddit
Jul 20, 2023 · Ezri was alright, but I found Jadzia's character more entertaining and funny personally. Actually, the only thing I "hate" about Ezri is not Ezri herself but how she ended up being a consolation prize for Bashir since he couldn't have Jadzia. I'd rather Ezri had gotten away from him and Worf and be Neelix's superior replacement instead.
Ezri Dax > Jadzia Dax? : r/startrek - Reddit
Jun 12, 2023 · Ezri, on the other hand, is a much more consistently-written and dramatically intriguing character. She has a very clear character arc in her one season on the show, and the writers gave her a lot of interesting things to do.
I really like Ezri Dax : r/startrek - Reddit
Jul 8, 2019 · I think if they had longer to delve deeper into that and had a conflict between Ezri and Vic that would have been interesting (perhaps something that would develop into a deeper look into the ethical and emotional ramifications of Vic existing, with Ezri learning to be more confident through Vic's influence and Vic becoming more troubled with ...
Ezri Dax is hurting me! - DS9 S7E3 : r/startrek - Reddit
Jadzia didn't want Bashir. Sometimes the girl doesn't like you back. The idea they found a workaround because she died and Dax was placed in another woman host. Weird. The whole thing was weird. Ezri seemed to say things seemingly to make her "quirky" before manic pixie dream girl was a thing or at least before we had a name for it.
Eziri Dax sucks : r/startrek - Reddit
I liked Ezri Dax. Jadzia was a good character, but there were times she got on my nerves a bit (primarily how dismissive she was with her relationship to Worf for a while.) Ezri was funny and a good portrayal of how passing down trill symbiotes …
Hot Take: It Was Important Ezri Dax Got That Season On DS9 For …
Totally agree about Sisko's relationship with Dax. Having Ezri come in as a young, inexperienced Dax brought their relationship full circle. There's another reason I think Ezri needed the attention she got in season 7: they needed a satisfying partner for Julian to end up with.
Does anyone else think Ezri is really annoying? I feel like 70
Ezri isnt amazing in the show. But dor what she is. A fresh out of the academy never planned mental fusions person. She is fine. Its also just cool to she how trill are. Jadzia is ezri and both are dax but jazia has nothing from ezri. Besides its fun to have Sisko now have dax as his mentor, his peer and his student.