Statistical Eye Diagrams for High-Speed Interconnects of …
Jan 26, 2024 · The statistical eye diagram provides a probability distribution depending on a sampling time and voltage, therefore it can be expanded to other metrics, such as the bit-error rate and shmoo plot.
什么是Shmoo图和Shmoo测试 - CSDN博客
Shmoo测试是芯片测试中一种常用的技术手段,其方法是选取两个与芯片性能相关的指标,如最大工作频率与电源电压,分别在两个维度上对这两个指标进行扫描,并在X-Y的二维坐标系中对扫描的结果进行显示,从而可以比较直观地显现这两个被选取变量之间的相互关系。 测试的基本原理是 检查应用于芯片作为输入的二进制响应是否与输出的比较值相匹配。 如果响应匹配,电路将被认为是好的。 芯片的质量取决于测试的彻底程度。 在 超大规模集成电路(VLSI) 中, 自动测试 …
Shmoo plot - Wikipedia
In electrical engineering, a shmoo plot is a graphical display of the response of a component or system varying over a range of conditions or inputs.
(PDF) Statistical Eye Diagrams for High-speed ... - ResearchGate
Jan 1, 2024 · The statistical eye diagram provides a probability distribution depending on a sampling time and voltage, therefore it can be expanded to other metrics, such as the bit-error rate and shmoo...
Shmoo - Wikipedia
The Shmoo inspired hundreds of "Shmoo clubs" all over North America. College students—who had made Capp's invented idea of the Sadie Hawkins dance a universally adopted tradition—flocked to the Shmoo as well.
Understanding Shmoo Plots and Various Terminology of Testers
Shmoo plots play a vital role in debugging. These plots are helpful to nail down the electrical failures in a circuit under test. The patterns provided by DFT engineers are tested by the test-engineers under different process conditions and with …
Novel Eye Diagram Estimation Technique to Assess Signal …
The analysis tool produces an eye diagram from the extracted Shmoo plot to determine the signal quality status and also statistically analyzes the extracted raw data to determine the process capability of the automatic test equipment.
[PDF] Statistical Eye Diagrams for High-Speed ... - Semantic Scholar
An eye diagram, a critical metric in signal integrity analysis for high-speed interconnects such as packages, interposer, and printed circuit boards (PCBs), is generated by superposition of the received waveform.
Simulation shows 43% eye height, confirmed by SHMOO plot and test floor data, performance reach 90~95% to the simulation result. As more IC integrate to AP and size & signal channel scale, AP become more complex which leads to a low yield and high-cost combination.
Write Eye measurement shows a 5% UI jitter improvement. Validation extended to create functional Read and Write Eye shmoo next. Improvement amount are different. Different PDN between DRAM unit and controller PHY. Computing Performance requirements drive the need to reduce system power.