Eshu - Wikipedia
Some of the most popular Exus are Exu Caveira ("Skull Exu", represented as a skeleton), Exu Tranca-Rua ("Street Locker", opener and closer of spiritual ways) and Exu Mirim ("Little Exu", a spirit that resembles the personality of a child or teenager).
What’s the Difference Between Legba, Eleggua, Eshu and Exu?!
Feb 28, 2013 · Just to clarify, Legba is from Haitian Vodou, Eleggua /Eshu is from Santería Lucumi (and consequently Yoruba religion) and Exu is from Brazilian Quimbanda (and Umbanda). These are three different classes of spirits and he offer this information here for you to understand the difference between them.
Exu (Eshu) – WRSP
Feb 9, 2022 · In the first case, he was associated with Catholicism’s mediators, such as Jesus, the Virgin Mary, saints, angels, and martyrs. In Cuba, he was associated with The Boy Jesus.
Eshu (Èṣù): Origin, Roles and Meaning in Yoruba Cosmology
Eshu, also known as Èṣù, Echu or Exú, is a central and multifaceted deity of the Yoruba pantheon. His influence ranges from everyday events to the deepest aspects of human existence, making him a crucial figure in the Yoruba religion and its variants in the African diaspora.
Neste vídeo, analisaremos as semelhanças supreendentes entre Exu, um dos mais importantes orixás das religiões de matriz africana e Jesus, o mentor máximo do...
Eshu - The Gatekeeper and Opener of the Way
Nov 3, 2012 · This segment deals with the energy of Eshu, Elegba, Ganesha, Loki, Jesus Christ, Pan, Lucifer, Set, Satan, Hermes, and Mercury; the divine messengers and openers of “the way”. Listen to Eshu broadcast here:
Nov 13, 2017 · In Brazil, Eshu Elegbara evolved into Exu, a special, unique kind of spirit. He manifests differently in Brazil than elsewhere. The Exus are a category unto themselves: there are many Exus or at least many individual aspects or manifestations of one Exu.
Exú não é o diabo, entenda que Exú é Jesus - YouTube
*Exú não é o diabo, entenda que Exú é Jesus. #umbanda*Neste vídeo, desvendamos o mito de que Exú é o diabo na religião Umbanda. Você ficará surpreso com as i...
Oct 31, 2014 · The Third Lesser Realm of the First Greater Quimbanda Kingdom is governed over by the 72 Astral Exu Spirits of the Cosmos. The 72 Astral Exu Spirits are known by the following names;
Unveiling the Mysterious Powers of Exu: A Journey Through the …
Mar 13, 2023 · In this workshop, we’ll explore the role of Exu in the Afro-Brazilian pantheon, its different forms, its powers and abilities, and how to work with Exu in everyday life. So, join us for an exciting journey into the mysterious world of Exu!