How to Grow and Care for Escobaria - World of Succulents
Escobaria is a genus of cacti that includes about 25 species native to the desert areas of the Atlantic and the North American continent (Canada, the southeastern United States, and Mexico). Escobaria minima and Escobaria sneedii have become very rare in nature and are legally protected species.
Escobaria Cactus Species of West and Southwest USA
Known variously as foxtail cactus, pincushion cactus or spiny star, escobaria is another group of small, tubercular cacti, similar to mammillaria and coryphantha; the main difference with the former is that flowers appear at or near the top rather than lower down the stem, while the latter has different seeds (the surface is crossed rather than ...
On-line Guide to the positive identification of Members of the …
Several species of Escobaria are quite popular in cultivation, but most notable are the species which are cold hardy. While many species are from warmer Mexico and the Southern United States, two species in particular range all the way north into Canada.
Escobaria vivipara, common beehive cactus - American Southwest
Apart from some opuntia, escobaria vivipara (also classed as coryphantha vivipara) is the most widespread cactus in the US; the species has good frost tolerance and has adapted to a wide range of habitats, from Mexico all the way north to Canada, where it is one of only four cactus species in the country.
Pelecyphora - Wikipedia
Escobaria Britton & Rose Pelecyphora , pincushion cactus or foxtail cactus [ 1 ] is a genus of cacti , comprising 20 species. They originate from Mexico and the United States.
Focus on genus... Escobaria - SeedsCactus.com
The genus Escobaria belongs to the family of Cactaceae, includes about 25 species and is native to the desert areas of the Atlantic and the North American continent (Canada and the southeastern United States, Mexico).
Escobaria - Giromagi Cactus and Succulents
The genus Escobaria includes about 25 species of cacti with different origins and features. A few species are from northern Mexico, as well as others that come from the arid but cold areas of Canada. They are small, globular or cylindrical cacti, with their surface covered in tubercles from which spines of different shapes and colours (often ...
Succulents in the Genus Escobaria - World of Succulents
Escobaria is a genus of low-growing cacti that range from southwestern United States to northern Mexico. The genus is named after the Mexican naturalist Romulo Numa Escobar.
Escobaria abdita - LLIFLE
Description: Escobaria abditaSN|10274]]SN|23792]] is a fascinating little, very cryptic, geophytic plant with a swollen subterranean root. The plant bears a resemblance both to Escobaria minimaSN|10308]]SN|10308]] (spines) and Escobaria missouriensisSN|23792]]SN|10274]] (flowers).
Escobaria vivipara - LLIFLE
Escobaria vivipara Photo by: Colin Bundred The plant was collected at the northern tip of its range in Drumheller Alberta Canada, were it occurs both as single plants and less frequently, small clumps.