Erma .22 LA Luger Pistol - GCA
The La 22 is a blowback operated pistol and has the look and feel of the original Luger P-08 9mm parabellum pistol, including the toggle action. Though this pistol doesn’t really have much …
Field-Stripping the Erma “Luger” - Unblinking Eye
All the Erma “Luger” pistols had an unlocked “blow-back” action. In the 50s, the first example of the .22 long rifle auto concept was embodied in a pistol by Erma called the “Old Model.” These …
Erma Werke - Wikipedia
The Erfurter Maschinenfabrik (ERMA) was a German weapons manufacturer founded in 1922 by Berthold Geipel. Prior to and during World War II it manufactured many firearms, including the …
Erma Pistols - Guide to Value, Marks, History - WorthPoint
Nov 9, 2023 · The Erma ET-22, otherwise known as the “Navy Luger,” is a rare pistol with some estimates stating that only about 375 were produced. This pistol is a Luger P08-type …
Erma Werke KGP69 Luger - sn 311xxx - Edelweiss Arms
Rimfire .22LR pistol, modeled after a Luger P08 and manufactured by Erma-Werke in West Germany. Produced after 1969. In very good condition with 90% original finish. 5/5 Bore. …
Erma-Werke KGP69 pistol - Rimfire Central Firearm Forum
Jul 15, 2007 · There are several Erma .22 Luger pistols about, but they all are either of the large frame shared by the Ep, Et, La, etc. models, or the smaller KGP69. Named, I believe, for the …
From the GDC Warehouse: Erma Navy .22 Luger-lookalikes - Guns.com
Dec 3, 2018 · The West German-made Erma ET22 was billed in the 1960s as inspired by the old Imperial “Navy” model Luger but centered more towards plinking and control of zee pests.
ERMA ET-22 NAVY LUGER - Checkpoint Charlie's
The Erma ET-22, also known as the Navy Luger, is a variant of the famous German Luger pistol chambered in .22 Long Rifle. It was produced by the Erma-Werke company, a German …
Erma KGP 68A "Baby Luger" - 1911Forum
Oct 10, 2020 · It is complete with box and owners manual, and both wood and plastic grips, but missing the loading tool and "Erma" pin of some sort. Anybody know or have pictures of these …
ERMA Luger 22LR German manufacture - Guns International
Here's a ERMA Luger in .22LR that was manufactured in Germany. This gun is used but still has a lot of life in it. Modeled to resemble the famous Luger but chambered in .22LR, this pistol …