Enoplea - Wikipedia
Enopleans have pocket-like amphids, while chromadoreans have amphids shaped like slits, pores, coils, or spirals. An enoplean is smooth or marked with fine lines, while a chromadorean may have rings, projections, or setae.
Class Enoplea Inglis, 1983 - UC Davis
Class Enoplea Inglis, 1983 1. amphids pocket like, not spiral, usually post-labial. 2. cuticle smooth or finely striated. 3. phasmids present or absent. 4. esophagus cylindrical or bottle-shaped with 3 to 5 esophageal glands, stichosome or trophosome may be present.
Classes of Phylum Nemata - UC Davis
Jan 9, 2025 · Class Enoplea 1. amphids pocket like, not spiral, usually post-labial. 2. cuticle smooth or finely striated. 3. phasmids present or absent. 4. esophagus cylindrical or bottle-shaped with 3 to 5 esophageal glands, stichosome or trophosome present in some. 5. simple non-tubular excretory system, usually a single cell.
Enoplida - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Capillaria aerophila (syn. Eucoleus aerophilus) (Enoplida, Capillaridae) is a lungworm of wild and domestic carnivores, but it has also rarely been described in humans. Eggs are excreted with the faeces of the definitive hosts, and the infective L1 develops inside the eggs within 40–60 days (Conboy, 2009).
Enoplia - Wikipedia
The Enoplia are a subclass of nematodes in the class Enoplea. Enoplians are characterized by amphids shaped like ovals, stirrups, or pouches. Their bodies are smooth, without rings or lines. The esophagus is cylindrical and glandular. [1] Lorenzen described two orders, Enoplida and Trefusiida, in the 1980s based on morphology.
WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species - Enoplea
Guidelines for species descriptions of free-living aquatic nematodes: characters, measurements and their presentation in taxonomic publications. Zootaxa. 5543 (2): 225-236. (look up in IMIS), available online at https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5543.2.4 [details]
Enoplea - NCBI - NLM - National Center for Biotechnology …
Classification and research data for Enoplea, a class of nematode in the phylum Nematoda (roundworms)..
Enoplea - Rostra
Enoplea (Enoplia) is a class within the phylum Nematoda, characterized by distinct morphological and molecular features. The class is divided into two subclasses: Enoplia and Dorylaimia. Enoplea is distinguished from Chromadorea (the other major
Class Enoplea - ANIMAL KINGDOM - Weebly
Enoplea (enopleans) is a class of nematodes, which with class Chromadorea make up the phylum Nematoda in current taxonomy.
Nematodes Parasites of Higher Plants Rev 10/ - UC Davis
Triplonchida (Enoplea) Plant parasitism evolved independently in three traditional nematode orders, Dorylaimida Pearse 1942, Triplonchida Cobb 1920 (both Enoplea), and Rhabditida (Tylenchina Thorne 1949) (Chromadorea).