Map | Erb Memorial Union - University of Oregon
UO Community Card; Submit Your Photo; Use Your Card; Duck Bucks. Duck Bucks Overview; Make a Deposit; ... Map. Division of Student Life. Division of Student Life; University Career Center; ... Erb Memorial Union. 1395 University St. Eugene, OR 97403. Office: Erb Memorial Union . P: 541-346-4163.
Maps - University of Oregon
The interactive map allows you to precisely locate and find information about buildings, classrooms, departments, programs, offices, eateries, residence halls, trees, and art on campus.
UO Erb Memorial Union
The Erb Memorial Union (EMU) is the center for student activities and involvement. It brings together opportunities for all students to experience community, meet up with friends, attend a lecture series, enjoy a cup of coffee, or just hang out and study.
Map | PE and Rec - University of Oregon
Visit the campus map for more detailed information on classrooms and facilities outside the Student Rec Center. UO Campus Map
*Note: See Campus Plan Policy 3 (Densities) and Policy 12 (Design Area Special Conditions) for more information about Design Areas and Sub Areas. Contact Eleni Tsivitzi at 541-346-5024 if you have any questions.
Services | Erb Memorial Union - University of Oregon
EMU Guest Services is a one-stop spot to learn what's happening. Not sure where to go? We'll point you in the right direction. If you've lost or found an item, or have a question about campus or the community, stop by the O-Desk on the ground floor of the EMU. You can also call us at …
Article - USS - Technology Service Desk - University of Oregon
This article is intended to guide faculty, staff, and students through the basics of how to navigate the UO Service Portal.
EMU | Division of Student Life - University of Oregon
The Erb Memorial Union (EMU) is the heart of campus. It’s your place to study, eat, and come together as a community. The EMU is also home to 250+ student groups, diverse cultural events, and everything else that makes the UO such a vibrant campus.
Erb Memorial Union - SERA Architects
Erb Memorial Union Students seek out the University of Oregon for its unique culture of openness and exploration, and the EMU is designed to embody that culture. Details
Erb Memeorial Union (EMU) at UO - campus-maps.com
Get or Share Directions To Erb Memeorial Union (EMU). Got an Update Tip or Feedback for this UO Map? We would love to hear from you! Please send an email to [email protected] and we will get back to you promptly. …