Elodea - Wikipedia
Elodea is a genus of eight species of aquatic plants often called the waterweeds described as a genus in 1803. Classified in the frog's-bit family (Hydrocharitaceae), Elodea is native to the …
Elodea: Alaska’s First Invasive Aquatic Plant Continues to …
May 29, 2020 · Elodea spp. (waterweed) is a hardy aquatic plant that grows in cold, clear, slow-moving water (Figure 1). It is considered a circumpolar invasive plant; its native range extends …
Elodea | Aquatic, Submersed, Oxygenating | Britannica
Elodea, genus of five or six species of submerged aquatic plants in the frog’s-bit family (Hydrocharitaceae), useful in aquariums and in laboratory demonstrations of cellular activities. …
Alaska Plant Materials Center | Division of Agriculture
Elodea is an underwater perennial plant that sometimes forms tangled masses in lakes, ponds, and ditches with long, trailing stems and green, somewhat translucent leaves. Elodea primarily …
Elodea: Taxonomy, Care, and Propagation - AquariumNexus
Jul 21, 2023 · Elodea is a genus of aquatic plants often referred to as waterweeds. These are robust, perennial plants native to North America. Their distinguishing characteristics include …
How does Elodea impact juvenile salmon? - U.S. National Park Service
Mar 7, 2023 · A primary concern is the effect of Elodea spp. on juvenile Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.), because this invading plant can form dense stands in littoral zones, …
Elodea is an underwater perennial plant with long trailing stems and green semi-translucent leaves. It can reproduce, aggressively, from small severed fragments. Leaves: Usually …
Effect of Elodea spp. on Fish Performance Mediated Through Food Web ...
Apr 18, 2018 · Of foremost concern, Elodea can strongly affect anadromous salmon by reducing the quality of spawning habitat and altering prey resources and predator-prey interactions for …
Detecting and Predicting Aquatic Invasive Species Transmission …
Dec 31, 2020 · Elodea spp. (Elodea) is Alaska’s first known invasive aquatic plant, first discovered in urban lakes in 2010. The combination of human pathways and climate change related shifts …
the species within Elodea. The distribution of the species of Elodea is described along with their physiology, survival and dispersal. The economic importance and management of the weed …