30mm Naval Weapons Station - Elbit Systems
The 30mm Naval Surface Gun (NSG) is a configurable naval weapons station, adding effective firepower to a wide variety of naval platforms including fast patrol, frigates and missile boats.
The 30mm Naval Surface Gun (NSG) is a con gurable naval weapons station, adding effective repower to a wide variety of naval platforms including fast patrol, frigates and missile boats.
Elmet International Presents UT30MK2 Turret and Multiple Remote ...
May 27, 2024 · The UT30MK2 turret from Elbit Systems is a lightweight 30mm unmanned turret that integrates combat systems, fire control systems, sensors, and display systems for enhanced combat effectiveness and target identification capabilities.
Army Guide
Elbit Systems’ UT30MK2 is a confgurable unmanned turret, adding lethal frepower to armored personnel carriers (APC) without comprising troop safety. Built on the success of a fully combat-proven turret in use by numerous armed forces around the world, the UT30MK2 is the latest generation armament system developed by Elbit Systems.
Elbit Systems to supply UT30 Mk2 unmanned turret weapon …
Elbit Systems’ UT30 Mk2 is a 30mm unmanned light turret that integrates weapon systems, fire control systems, sensors and display systems for enhanced combat effectiveness, situational awareness and target acquisition capabilities.
The 30mm Naval Surface Gun (NSG) is a configurable naval weapons station, adding effective firepower to a wide variety of naval platforms including fast patrol, frigates and missile boats.
Brazilian Army accepts first Elbit Systems unmanned turret
Sep 7, 2011 · The Brazilian Army’s Land Forces has accepted Elbit Systems’ first 30mm unmanned turret UT30BR, which was integrated into the IVECO 6×6 Guarani vehicle after conducting customer acceptance tests.
UT30MK2 configurable unmanned turret | Elbit Systems
Elbit Systems’ UT30MK2 is a configurable unmanned turret, adding highly effective firepower to armored personnel carriers (APCs) without compromising troop safety.
Elbit Systems 30mm Unmanned Turret Tested Successfully in …
Elbit Systems' Unmanned Turret is a dual axis stabilized system incorporating automatic guns up to 30mm, with both day and night separately stabilized sights. The system is also characterized by its low weight and silhouette.
Elbit Systems Presents UT30 MK2 and MT30 Unmanned and …
Jun 8, 2023 · Elbit Systems’ UT30MK2 is a configurable unmanned turret, adding highly effective firepower to armored personnel carriers (APCs) without compromising troop safety.