Elaeis - Wikipedia
Elaeis (from Greek 'oil') is a genus of palms, called oil palms, containing two species, native to Africa and the Americas. They are used in commercial agriculture in the production of palm oil. Mature palms are single-stemmed, and can grow well over 20 m (66 ft) tall. The leaves are pinnate, and reach between 3–5 m (10–16 ft) long.
油棕 - 百度百科
油棕( Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)是棕榈科油棕属乔木;茎高10米;叶羽状全裂,簇生茎顶,羽片外折,线状披针形,下部的成针刺状,叶柄宽;花雌雄同株异序,雄花序具多个指状穗状花序,花朵密集;苞片长圆形,雄花萼片与花瓣均长圆形,雌花萼片与花瓣均卵形 ...
油棕 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
油棕(学名: Elaeis guineensis )又名非洲油棕、油棕榈、油椰子,是棕榈科 油棕属的一种植物,其种加词“guineensis”意为“几内亚的”。 原产于 西非 ,分布范围为 安哥拉 至 冈比亚 的西非地区,被引入至 马来西亚 和 印度尼西亚 等地区;属于产油 经济作物 ...
Elaeis guineensis - Palmpedia - Palm Grower's Guide
Feb 3, 2017 · Elaeis guineensis is a handsome tree reaching a height of 20 m or more at maturity. The trunk is characterized by persistent, spirally arranged leaf bases and bears a crown of 20-40 massive leaves. The root system consists of primaries and secondaries in the top 140 cm of soil.
Elaeis guineensis - Wikipedia
Elaeis guineensis is a species of palm commonly just called oil palm but also sometimes African oil palm or macaw-fat. [3] The first Western person to describe it and bring back seeds was the French naturalist Michel Adanson. [4]
油椰子(Elaeis guineensis)是什么?原产地与棕榈油生产解析
油椰子(Elaeis guineensis)是棕榈科油棕属重要经济作物,原产于西非地区。 完整解析其果肉榨取棕榈油与核仁提取棕仁油的工艺,涵盖植物特性、商业种植分布及在马来西亚、印度尼西亚的产业化发展。
Elaeis oleifera - Palmpedia - Palm Grower's Guide
Mar 27, 2017 · Compared to its African relative, E. guineensis, which today is cultivated in enormous numbers everywhere in the tropics, the American oil palm is outright rare.
Nov 13, 2012 · 油棕 Elaeis guineensis Jacq.别名:油椰子,非洲油棕,直立乔木,树高可达10m以上,茎粗30-50cm,老叶柄基部残存包裹树干。 羽状复叶,羽片多数,线状披针形,基部的羽片退化或基部膨大的针刺;叶柄阔,上面平,两侧面有长而粗壮的锐刺。 雌雄同株;花序腋生;雄花序穗状,雌花序头状,果卵形或倒卵形,熟时橙红色;种子近球形或卵形,黄褐色。 油棕在亚洲主产地为马来西亚、印度尼西亚、我国引种油棕主要分布于海南、云南、广东、广西。 …
Introductory Chapter: Elaeis guineensis – An Overview and an …
Feb 7, 2024 · Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) is an important crop globally for the production of vegetable oil. It is a perennial monocotyledonous plant and can only be propagated using seed.
Oil palm in the 2020s and beyond: challenges and solutions
Oct 11, 2021 · Oil palm, Elaeis guineensis, is by far the most important global oil crop, supplying about 40% of all traded vegetable oil. Palm oils are key dietary components consumed daily by over three billion people, mostly in Asia, and also have a wide range of important non-food uses including in cleansing and sanitizing products.