Eket - Tolkien Gateway
Oct 27, 2023 · The eket was a short stabbing sword wielded by the Númenóreans. It was described as "a short stabbing sword with a broad blade, pointed and two-edged, from a foot …
Eket | The One Wiki to Rule Them All | Fandom
The Eket was a short stabbing sword used by the Númenóreans in war. The sword was broad bladed and double-edged and was about a foot to one and half feet long in length. After …
The Encyclopedia of Arda - Eket - Glyph Web
Oct 22, 2021 · A short sword carried by the Númenóreans and their descendants in Middle-earth, used as a stabbing weapon in close combat. It is described as being some one to one-and-a …
List of weapons and armour in Middle-earth - Wikipedia
Narsil (Quenya: roughly, Red and White Flame [T 39]) is a sword in The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion, [T 40] [T 41] [T 42] influenced by the legendary Arthurian sword Excalibur [22] …
Eket | The New Notion Club Archives | Fandom
The Eket was a númenorian Blade designed as a mix of short sword and long dagger. It was primarily used for stabbing but could be used as a cutting weapon too. It was brought to Endor …
Are any of the swords described in Tolkien two handed? Or are ... - Reddit
Describing the Numenorean shield phalanx known as a Thangail. Numenoreans are said to carry short sword called an Eket, seemingly as a sidearm. Broad bladed, double edged, a foot to a …
List of Middle-earth weapons and armour - Neo Encyclopedia …
Tolkien also devised terms for specific makes of weapons, like lango (broad sword), eket, ecet (short sword), and lhang (cutlass, sword). [11] Lhang was used for a large two-handed, curved …
Why are the orc swords shaped like they are in the movies?
Jun 12, 2011 · As described in Unfinished Tales, the Númenoreans used a short sword called an eket. It was a stabbing weapon. Isildur threw all his weapons and armor away except his eket …
Weapons | The One Wiki to Rule Them All | Fandom
As described in Unfinished Tales, the Númenóreans used a short sword called an eket. It was a stabbing weapon. Isildur threw all his weapons and armor away except his eket when …
Elven Sword - The New Notion Club Archives
The Elves used different types of swords including the Megil or "hand-and-a-half" Longsword, the Hathel or Lango, a Broadsword, the Lhang a kind of Cutlass, the broader Crist or Hyando …