Billy Meier - Wikipedia
Eduard Albert Meier (born 3 February 1937), commonly nicknamed " Billy ", is the founder of a UFO religion called the "Freie Interessengemeinschaft für Grenz- und Geisteswissenschaften und Ufologiestudien" (Free Community of Interests for the Border and Spiritual Sciences and Ufological Studies) and alleged contactee whose UFO photographs are cl...
The truth is out there? Billy Meier's UFO images - BBC
Dec 3, 2019 · Eduard Albert "Billy" Meier claims he was first contacted by alien figures at the age of five, in 1942, and maintained regular contact throughout his life. This series of images were...
Billy Meier - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Eduard Albert Meier (Bülach, Suiza 3 de febrero de 1937), llamado Billy Meier, es el fundador de la comunidad FIGU 1 (Comunidad libre de intereses para las ciencias fronterizas, espirituales, y estudios ufológicos).
Meier, Eduard Albert "Billy" (1937-) - Encyclopedia.com
One of the most famous of modern flying saucer contactees, Billy Meier emerged out of obscurity in 1975 when he claimed to have encountered people from the Pleiadian star system. To verify his claims he presented some dramatic photos of the spaceship and eventually made some videos of the ship flying near his home in rural Switzerland .
The Strange Story of Billy Meier: Contactee or Fraud? - Gaia
Feb 27, 2020 · In 1942, five-year-old Eduard Albert Meier — later known as “Billy” Meier — wandered far from the bucolic farms and sweeping countryside of the Swiss town of Bülach, and deep into the woods.
The Future Of Mankind - A Billy Meier Wiki - Biography
According to defamations by antagonists, "Billy" Eduard Albert Meier is allegedly claiming to be a direct reincarnation of Jesus Christ. - This defamation is nothing more than a primitive lie and despicable imputation!
Message From The Pleiades; The Contact Notes Of Eduard Billy Meier …
Eduard 'Billy' Meier was born February 3, 1937 in Bulach Switzerland. His first sighting of an extraterrestrial vehicle occurred at the age of five and developed first into telepathic communication and later into physical, face-to-face contacts.
Light Years: An Investigation into the Extraterrestrial Experiences …
Jan 1, 1987 · In 1975, a Swiss Caretaker named Eduard "Billy" Meier disappeared on his motorbike into a forest near his village. He returned with several clear photographs of a large, silvery disk hovering in the sky. Over the next five years Meier produced hundreds of bright, detailed photographs.
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The Billy Meier Case (Photos and Contact Case) - UFO EVIDENCE
This article will go into detail about the book Spaceships of the Pleiades: The Billy Meier Story. This is the only official book ever published about the Billy Meier contactee case which tries to prove hoax theory.
Exploring the Billy Meier Case - Openminds.tv
Sep 18, 2022 · The case of Eduard Albert “Billy” Meier is one of the most well-known and controversial cases in ufology. Meier claims to have personally interacted with multiple extraterrestrials during his life, taken more than a thousand of the clearest UFO photos, and written word-for-word transcripts of his conversations with these extraterrestrials.