What does mild coarsening of the liver echo texture mean?
I'm sorry to hear about your ultrasound report. Actually mild coarsening of the liver echotexture means that the ultrasound has detected that the surface of the liver seems to be hardening because of formation of fibrosis tissue in the liver. This usually occurs when there has been inflammation present in the liver for a prolonged period of time.
Q&A: Do 0.7cm Echogenic Liver Lesions Need Follow-Up?
Customer: Subcentimeter 0.7cm echogenic liver lesion which may represent a hemagioma. Is this small does this really need another ultrasound in 3 months?
What does liver is diffusely increased with echogenicity without …
Customer: What does liver is diffusely increased with echogenicity without focal hepatic lesion mean?
Understanding Echogenic Hepatic Parenchyma: Expert Answers to …
Customer: what does echogenic mean Doctor's Assistant: The Doctor can help. Just a couple quick questions before I transfer you. What are your symptoms? Have you used any medication for this? Customer: Echogenic hepatic parenchyma and fatty infiltration in the liver Doctor's Assistant: Have you seen a doctor about this? Customer: yes Doctor's Assistant: Anything …
What Does Diffusely Increased Echogenicity of the Liver Mean ...
Increased echogenicity of the liver usually means that there is fatty infiltration in parts of the liver. In certain causes a focal area of increased echogenicity would indicate a discrete mass. However, in your case, a diffuse increase would mean a fatty liver. best wishes press the green accept button if this was helpful
Understanding Echogenic Liver and Fatty Infiltration: Expert Q&A
Customer: I was diagnosed with echogenic liver with fatty infiltration versus hepatocellular disease. (alcohol) What does this mean and what is the prognosis?
Understanding Echogenic Liver Symptoms and Liver Echogenicity
What does FINDINGS: Enlarged echogenic liver compatible with steatosis or hepatocellular disease. 50 years old female.
Understanding Hyperechoic Liver: Causes and Insights from Experts
Hello, Hyperechoic means that the liver or parts of the liver looks brighter than normal. The commonest cause for a mildly hyperechoic liver on ultrasound is a condition known as fatty liver - when fat collects on the cells of the liver. This is not a serious cause and is usually reversible by lifestyle changes. Other causes of hyperechoic liver are inflammation of the liver, cirrhosis, …
I just got an ultrasound done to my liver, can this be reversed ...
Customer: I just got an ultrasound done to my liver, can this be reversed?FINDINGS: LIVER: Diffuse increase in echogenicity of the liver is noted. No obvious focal lesion. Hepatic and portal venous blood flow is in normal direction.BILIARY SYSTEM: Gallbladder is normal in size and wall thickness. No stones visualized. No intrahepatic biliary dilatation. CBD measurement = 4 mm. …
Just got an ultrasound report says I have a 1.3 echogenic liver …
Customer: Just got an ultrasound report says I have a 1.3 echogenic liver lesion on right lobe of the liver most likely represents a hemangioma. Should I be worried