Curious about ENFP behaviour around their crushes : r/ENFP
Male ENFP here, if I crush on someone, I crash on them really hard. My mind goes on overdrive: my eyes will light up when talking to her, I’ll hyper fixate and analyze her to x degree, suddenly everything about her feels important. I overthink every small move, details, and behavior.
To all fellow ENFP men out there : r/ENFP - Reddit
Jun 6, 2013 · Okay. This is funny that you ask if you are platonic. I've never had a non-sexual relationship with an ENFP male IRL. And no, I'm not a whore. It was only 2 and they were both special people to me. I have found we tend to have instant attraction. Oh wait. There was this ENfP old man that I met and asked me out on a date and I felt nothing and ...
What's like to be an ENFP male? : r/ENFP - Reddit
My boyfriends brother is an enfp. I made him take the test lol. As a female enfp we are like 2 peas in a pod. When were together it's hard for someone else to get a word in. Once we start a conversation that's it for everyone else lol. It must be funny watching a …
enfp males: how do you act towards someone you like and what
Mar 28, 2022 · INTJ + ENFP is a solid match when their tertiary functions are developed. This one is a little more alienating, from my perspective. Intellectually/mentally the pairing can be phenomenal. But ENFP does well with a partner that both grounds them and makes them feel like there's a little magic in the world. A healthy INTJ can make that happen.
Female INTJs in romantic relationships with male ENFP's
May 24, 2012 · I know a few very happy (really exquisitely happy) INTJ/ENFP couples, but the male is INTJ and the female ENFP in the ones who I know. I have also seen mixed reviews from INTJ women married to ENFPs. A pretty famous one in the MBTI world talks about really having to understand that the processing he does externally is what she then goes and ...
Curious as to the life of a male ENFP.. Insight from men and
Apr 4, 2013 · I'm a male ENFP and I've been very good friends with other male ENFPs and one thing I can say is that "people pleasers" is right on the money. Which puts men in an interesting position because we can make people (who we really aren't interested in romantically) happy, and send the wrong signals unintentionally.
ENFP Male and Traditional Masculinity : r/ENFP - Reddit
I'm an intj woman married to an ENFP male. I LIKE him, specifically bc he doesn't do the stupid macho, strutting around, ape behavior so typical of most men. I really like that ENFP males are emotionally intelligent and are comfortable with their emotions and feelings that it makes them much more authentic and real.
Why do ENFP men always choose INFJ women over INTJ women …
Feb 9, 2022 · ENFP and INTJ are only “a golden couple” when they are both willing to work very hard, and to compromise, A LOT! It’s definitely worth it! It’s definitely worth it! But, as another commenter already pointed out, “most people will choose the path of ‘least resistance,’ and ENTP + INTJ, or ENFP + INFJ are ‘simply easier.’”
What is it like being a man and being an ENFP? : r/ENFP - Reddit
Jul 14, 2015 · Like many ENFP's I get on with kids easily & as such enjoy playing stupid games & running around, however as a guy this is always a very fine edge to walk & I'm absolutely paranoid about being labelled something that I'm not. …
How rare is an (male) ENFP and an INTJ (female) relationship?
Nov 6, 2021 · But yeah, male enfp and female Intj relationship, I don't see that much talked about. Because it's always female enfp, and male Intj. So of course it's going to be different than what others have had. I don't want to compare other relationships mine though. Because I'm really loving this flow of where I am right now.