EL34 Push-Pull Mono-Block Power Amplifiers - Tube-Amps.net
Feb 1, 2015 · EL34 Push-Pull Mono-Block Power Amplifiers. This amplifier was featured on the January 2003 Issue of the "High-Fidelity Audio: Radio Technology" by Mr. Tadaatsu Atarashi. The purpose of designing this amplifier was to drive the B&W Signature 800 with 70W maximum output derived from EL34 Push-Pull Class B1 fixed bias operation.
EL34 - Wikipedia
The EL34 is a thermionic vacuum tube of the power pentode type. The EL34 was introduced in 1955 by Mullard, which was owned by Philips. [1]
Designing EL34 Push-Pull Amplifier : TWO WAY RADIO …
Designing EL34 Push-Pull Amplifier Schematic below shows a typical push-pull amplifier built with one 12AX7 and two EL34 tubes. Additional pairs of output tubes may be used but calculations remain the same.
EL34 push-pull - diyAudio
Nov 24, 2024 · I would say your EL34 PP amp performs very well. There's no ringing even at 10KHz. Good job. Wondering which output transformer are you using? Johnny
EL34 Push Pull Amp Design - diyAudio
Sep 8, 2020 · Current sink cathode coupled Phase Inverter, Balanced Driver, push pull output stage, with the feedback from the output tube plates to the driver tube cathodes. The idea is to make the negative feedback more easy to adjust and stabilize.
EL34 Triode Connection PP #1 - Tube-Amps.net
Feb 1, 2015 · EL34 Triode Connection Non-NFB Push-Pull with Hashimoto Transformers - Project #1. This amplifier was originally featured on the February 2003 Issue of the "High-Fidelity Audio: Radio Technology" by Mr. Tadaatsu Atarashi. Mr.
PP EL 34 cathode bias value? - EL34 World
Nov 17, 2012 · 3.4K load in self-bias with EL34 works out to about 300V of safe B+ plate-to-cathode, say 340V from OT to ground. Alternatively, 440V self-bias suggests 7K (or 6.6K) load. {Ha!
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EL34 - Tube Data
RIMAR ~ALYES EL34 33.3mm I.3Iin max 1 98.Omm 3.86in. moz OUTPUT PENTODE 1.0. Base ... PUSH PULL OPERATION FOR TWO VALVES (Fixed Bias) Supply Voltage Vb 375 400 V Suppressor Grid Voltage V83 0 0 V Screen Grid Resistor R82 600t 800t S2 Control Grid Voltage Vgl —33 —36 V Anode Load Resistance Ra-a 3.5 3.5 k12 ...
My Experience with "Music Angel" EL34 PP - diyAudio
Last week I took delivery of one of the chinese "Music Angel" EL34 Push Pull Amps. I fired it up on the weekend and initial impressions were that it was Ok without being anything special. Stereo imaging was'nt particularly good and it was a bit "covered" …
DIY - Recommendation for EL34 pp design to build - HiFi Haven
Aug 20, 2024 · I know you're asking about EL34, but I'd be thinking about triode-strapped class A push-pull 6V6. This is one of the most linear configurations possible in indirectly heated power tubes. They work well with the standard 8K or 10K transformers, and good iron will allow building an amp with no feedback.
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