EABC 80, Tube EABC80; Röhre EABC 80 ID399, Triple Diode-Trio ...
The difference between EABC80 / 6AK8 and 6T8: The EABC80 / 6AK8 has a better shielding between heater and the other electrodes, particularly to the triode control grid, in order to suppress hum. Otherwise they are interchangeable to each other.
EABC80 @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The EABC80 was specifically designed (1954) for use in the detector stage of early FM and FM/AM radios. The triode section providing the first audio amplification, the single diode and one of the diode pair were used as an FM detector in a ratio detector circuit.
EABC80 and the double diode triode? - diyAudio
Aug 12, 2013 · EABC80 was used in typical European tube radios. It formed AM detector, FM ratio detector and AF-preamplifier. The EBC90/6AT6 is half a 5751, plus two diodes. It is sometimes used in circuits where just one good audio triode is needed. EBC91/6AV6 is similar, but half an ECC83/12AX7 instead.
RFT EABC80- Vintage Tube for sale online - eBay
These EABC80 tubes were primarily created for use in early AM/FM and FM radios as part of the detector stage, allowing the audio signal to be transmitted through the receiver. In fact, although they are nominally different, the EABC80 tube is often used as a replacement for the 6T8.
Vacuum Tube - 6AK8 / EABC80, Dual Diode, Triode
Triple diode triode for F.M. or FM/AM broadcast receivers and for video and audio signal detection in television receivers. Note: brands may vary. Photo is for reference only and may not exactly …
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EABC80 - Tube Data
EABC80 page sheet date 1 1 1955.10.10 2 2 1955.10.10 3 3 1954.11.11 4 4 1954.11.11 5 A 1952.04.04 6 B 1952.04.04 7 C 1953.11.11 8 D 1953.11.11 9 E 1953.11.11
Telefunken EABC 80 Diamond Bottom Made In Germany 70 On
Original Stock Made In Germany in the 1950's. The Telefunken EABC80 vacuum tube is a miniature type used as a combined audio amplifier, AM detector and FM detector in AM/FM radio receivers. They require a miniature 9-contact socket. Reverb has your back if your item is lost, damaged, or doesn't match its description.
Mullard EABC80 | 6AK8 - NessTone Tube Sales
The Mullard EABC80 is a quality tube perfect for your application. Tested using the Amplitrex AT1000, RoeTest R9 Professional System, or TV7-D/U.
EABC80 / 6T8-A / 6AK8 - Tube Amp Doctor
the 6T8 / 6T8-A aka 6AK8 is the american equivalent to the european EABC80 made in USA current brands (might change) in stock: RCA, GE, Raytheon, Sylvania, Zenith, Westingshouse
Datasheet Archive: EABC80 datasheets
View results and find eabc80 datasheets and circuit and application notes in pdf format.