Ea, Spain - Wikipedia
Ea (also pronounced Ie in local Basque) is a town and municipality located in the province of Biscay, in the autonomous community of Basque Country, northern Spain. The town has three boroughs: Ea , Bedarona and Natxitua .
Ea (Vizcaya) - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Ea (pronunciado Ie en el euskera de la zona) es un municipio y localidad de la costa nordeste de la provincia de Vizcaya, País Vasco , a 50 km de Bilbao, con 836 habitantes. El 81 % de la población es vascohablante.
Ea, qué ver y hacer. - Turismo País Vasco
Ubicación: Ea, Busturialdea, Bizkaia, Euskadi. Aunque Gernika y Bermeo ostentan el titulo honorifico de núcleos urbanos más grandes e importantes de la costa noroccidental de Bizkaia, debemos recordar que pueblos pequeños como Ea o Elantxobe, son los más visitados por su belleza y singularidad.
Ea | Basque Country towns and cities | Tourism Euskadi
Ea, everything you need to know about Ea in BIZKAIA province. Information, tourism, special offers, hotels, history, monuments to visit and photos of Ea.
Ea, the town with the shortest name - Turismo
Ea is a small town on the coast, almost as small as its name, located in the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve. To be precise, this beautiful spot is located halfway along the coastal road joining Elantxobe to Lekeitio. You realise how special this village is as soon as you step foot in it.
Ea Map - Village - Biscay, Basque Country, Spain - Mapcarta
Ea is a town and municipality located in the province of Biscay, in the autonomous community of Basque Country, northern Spain. Mapcarta, the open map.
Getaway to Ea - España Fascinante - Fascinating Spain
Jan 31, 2025 · Ea is one of the most original and charming villages of the Cantabrian Sea; its two districts are tightened around the narrow mouth of the river of the same name. It has a tiny harbor and beach, only accessible at low tide.
Ea Bizkaia - Bekale
The town called EA is located in the Lea-Artibai region, between the towns of Lekeitio and Gernika, and very near the natural reserve of Urdaibai, all of which are wonderful places worth …
Ea, qué ver y hacer en la villa de los puentes - Euskadi
Ea cuenta con 4 puentes, destacando el «puente romano». Belletxe , la casa de pescadores de Ea, está situada en el muelle del pueblo. Los principales monumentos religiosos son la iglesia de Santa María de Jesús y la iglesia de San Juan Bautista .
Ea - Wikipedia, entziklopedia askea.
Ea (tokiko euskaran Ie ahoskatua) Bizkaiko ipar-ekialdean dagoen kostaldeko udalerri txiki bat da. Ibarrangelu eta Ispaster udalerrien artean dago. XVI. mendetik ekonomia jarduera nagusia arrantza izan du. 2016. urtean 850 biztanle zituen. Eako udalerriak mende baten antzinatasuna baino zertxobait gehiago du.