E9327A E-Series Peak And Average Power Sensor, 50 MHz To …
The E9327A power sensor has a 5-MHz video bandwidth and is ideal for time-gated peak, average, and peak-to-average ratio power measurements on W-CDMA wireless formats such as cdma2000.
Technical Support: E9327A E-Series Peak And Average Power
E9327A has a 5-MHz video bandwidth and is ideal for time-gated peak, average, and peak-to-average ratio power measurements on W-CDMA wireless formats.
Compatibility, the EPM-P series power meters operate with the E-series E9320 family of power sensors for peak, average and time-gated power measurements. The EPM-P series also operates with the existing 8480 series, E-series CW and the E9300 range of power sensors for average power measurements.
E9327A Keysight | Mouser
4 days ago · E9327A Keysight RF Test Equipment Peak And Average Power Sensor, 50 MHz To 18 GHz datasheet, inventory, & pricing.
Keysight E9327A Power Sensor 50 MHz to 18 GHz - The EMC Shop
The Keysight model E9327A power sensor has a 5-MHz video bandwidth and is ideal for time-gated peak, average, and peak-to-average ratio power measurements on W-CDMA wireless formats such as cdma2000.
Keysight E9327A - Peak/Average Power Sensor (50 MHz
The E-Series E9320 power sensors have two frequency ranges. The E9325A, E9326A, and E9327A have a frequency range of 50 MHz to 18 GHz while the 50 MHz to 6 GHz range of the E9321A, E9322A, and E9323A covers most wireless communication applications.
Keysight E9327A | TRS-Rent, Lease, Buy
The Keysight E9327A comes with a wide dynamic range and boasts of a fast measurement speed, which make it ideal for handling E-CDMA and CDMA2000 applications. This sensor offers the options of selecting either a medium or a low bandwidth setting, where the selection is carried out using a meter.
Keysight E9327A Peak and Average Power Sensor 10MHz-6GHz
Keysight / Agilent E9327A Peak and Average Power Sensor, 50 MHz to 18 GHz, -60 to +20 dBm. The E9327A Diode Power Sensor has a 5 MHz video bandwidth and is ideal for time-gated peak, average and peak-to-average ratio power measurements on W …
Keysight E9327A E-Series Peak and Average Power Sensor
The E9327A diode power sensor has a 5 MHz video bandwidth and is ideal for time-gated peak, average and peak-to-average ratio power measurements on W-CDMA wireless formats such as cdma2000. Operates with the EPM-P (E4416A/ 17A) series and P-Series (N1911A/ 12A) power meters. 50 MHz to 18 GHz.
Keysight E9327A Peak and Average Power Sensor | Transcat
The E9327A diode power sensor has a 5 MHz video bandwidth and is ideal for time-gated peak, average, and peak-to-average ratio power measurements on W-CDMA wireless formats such as cdma2000.
E9327A Keysight Technologies 18 GHz 100 mW RF Sensor New
The E9327A diode power sensor has a 5-MHz video bandwidth and is ideal for time-gated peak, average, and peak-to-average ratio power measurements on W-CDMA wireless formats such as cdma2000. The E-Series E9320 power sensors have two frequency ranges.
Agilent EPM-P Power Sensor - E9327A - Tessco
KEYSIGHT TECHNOLOGIES' E9327A AGILENT EPM-P series sensor. For use with E4416B and E4417B power meters. 50 MHz – 18 GHz, 5 Mhz bandwidth. 1 nW – 100 mW.
Options and Upgrades: E9327A E-Series Peak And Average Power …
E9327A has a 5-MHz video bandwidth and is ideal for time-gated peak, average, and peak-to-average ratio power measurements on W-CDMA wireless formats.
Keysight E9327A Peak And Average Power Sensor, 50 MHz to
Keysight E9327A diode power sensor has a 5 MHz video bandwidth and is ideal for time-gated peak, average and peak-to-average ratio power measurements on W-CDMA wireless formats such as cdma2000.
Keysight Technologies E9327A - Octopart
Find the best pricing for Keysight Technologies E9327A by comparing bulk discounts from 5 distributors. Octopart is the world's source for E9327A availability, pricing, and technical specs and other electronic parts.
Agilent E9327A, Keysight E9327A, HP E9327A - Axiom Test
The Keysight E9327A Power Sensor has two measurement paths, one for peak and time-gated measurements (a fast sampled path) and another for stable, low-level average power measurements. The E9327A power sensor has a frequency range of 50 MHz to 18 GHz.
Agilent HP E9327A Peak & Power Sensor - AAATesters
Agilent E9327A Peak & Average Power Sensor. Designed For Use With EPM-P Series Power Meters. The E9327A power sensor has a 5 MHz video bandwidth and is ideal for time-gated peak, average and peak-to-average ratio power measurements on W-CDMA wireless formats such as cdma2000. Power Range: Average only mode: -60 dBm to +20 dBm
E9327A E-Series Peak and Average Power Sensor, 50 MHz to 18
This is a PDF format 2D Drawing of the E9327A E-Series Peak and Average Power Sensor, 50 MHz to 18 GHz.
E9327A - Keysight (Agilent) Power Meter [E9327A] : RF Test …
The E9327A diode power sensor has a 5-MHz video bandwidth and is ideal for time-gated peak, average, and peak-to-average ratio power measurements on W-CDMA wireless formats such as cdma2000.