E8361C PNA Microwave Network Analyzer - Keysight
E8361C PNA Microwave Network Analyzer. Service Notes. Calibration and Repair. Request Service. Download Technical Overview Product Details. Resources; Drivers, Firmware and Software; Training and Events ; Knowledge Center ; Sort by : Date . Date Title. Filter Results
All specifications and characteristics apply over a 25 °C ±5 °C range (unless otherwise stated) and 90 minutes after the instrument has been turned on. Specification (spec.): Warranted performance.
E8361C 10 MHz to 67 GHz Note: For the complete and most current instrument, calibration kit and connector specifications, refer to the online Help file in the “manuals” library on our web …
Agilent E8361C, Keysight E8361C, HP E8361C - Axiom Test
Rent or purchase a Keysight / Agilent E8361C PNA Network Analyzer, 10 MHz to 67 GHz or other Network Analyzers for your testing requirements. Contact us to check availability and request a quick quote today.
Keysight E8361C for Sale|Vector Network Analyzers - Above 40 …
The E8361C provides advanced performance and measurement capabilities, and is specifically designed for more demanding applications such as high-accuracy mixer/converter test including absolute group delay, and antenna, pulsed-RF, and mm-wave measurements.
Keysight E8361C Rentals - ATECorp.com
The Keysight E8361C offers high output power and a wide power-sweep range, ideal for testing passive and active devices, such as filters or amplifiers. The Keysight Microwave Network Analyzer has a 26 usec/point measurement speed while …
Keysight E8361C Inventory Listings
Keysight E8361C PNA Microwave Network Analyzer. 10 MHz to 67 GHz; 94 dB of dynamic range and <0.006 dB trace noise (specified to 67 GHz, with operation to 70 GHz) <26 usec/point measurement speed, 32 channels, 20,001 points; TRL/LRM calibration, on-wafer, in-fixture, waveguide, and antenna.measurements
Keysight Technologies (formerly Agilent) E8361C | 10MHz-67GHz …
Find new, used, and rental Keysight Technologies (formerly Agilent) E8361C 10MHz-67GHz PNA Vector Network Analyzer at Electro Rent
E8361C PNA Microwave Network Analyzer [Obsolete] | Keysight
General-purpose network analysis with optional software and/or hardware to customize for your application - such as multiport, pulsed-RF, etc. For Software Upgrades, please contact [email protected].
E8361C - Keysight / Agilent Network Analyzers - BRL Test
E8361C - BRL Test buys sells and leases new used and refurbished Keysight / Agilent E8361C Network Analyzers. Repair and calibration services for the E8361C are available and warrantied by our world class repair lab.