DREED Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of DREE is endure, suffer.
Dreed - definition of dreed by The Free Dictionary
Define dreed. dreed synonyms, dreed pronunciation, dreed translation, English dictionary definition of dreed. vb , drees , dreeing or dreed 1. to endure 2. dree one's weird to endure one's fate adj another word for dreich Collins English Dictionary – Complete and...
Dredd - Wikipedia
Karl Urban stars as Judge Dredd, a law enforcer given the power of judge, jury and executioner in a vast, dystopic metropolis called Mega-City One that lies in a post-apocalyptic wasteland.
Dredd (2012) - IMDb
In a violent, futuristic city where the police have the authority to act as judge, jury and executioner, a cop teams with a trainee to take down a gang that deals the reality-altering drug, SLO-MO. The future America is an irradiated waste land.
dreed - WordReference.com Dictionary of English
dreed - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. All Free.
DREED meaning: Anxiety or dread about future - OneLook
: Alternative form of dreich [Extending for a long distance or time, especially when tedious or wearisome; long-drawn-out, protracted; also, of speech or writing: unnecessarily verbose; long-winded.] A powerful dictionary, thesaurus, and comprehensive word-finding tool.
Dree Definition & Meaning - YourDictionary
To endure; suffer. (intransitive) To endure; brook; be able to do or continue. Dreary; tedious. (Now chiefly dialectal) Long; large; ample; great. (Now chiefly dialectal) Great; of serious moment. (Now chiefly dialectal) Length; extension; the longest part.
DREE definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
DREE definition: to endure | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Dreed Definition & Meaning - YourDictionary
Dreed definition: Simple past tense and past participle of <i><a>dree.</a></i>.
Dreed - YouTube
Ich bin Dreed, mache Sonic Content, bin nicht von SEGA® bezahlt und ja ich mag tatsächlich auch andere Sachen außer Sonic. "Sitz' nicht einfach rum und verschwende deine wertvolle Zeit. Wenn du...