Inspired by you - created by DORC | DORC Global
Discover DORC. DORC is one of the world’s leading suppliers of equipment, instruments and liquids for ophthalmic surgery. Learn more
眼外科领域全球领导者 | DORC China
dorc的标志性创新成就始于器械设备的创新,包括推出业界首台配备自闭阀套管针的一次性玻切耗材,以及随后推出的让眼外科医师得以进行双手手术的吊顶灯照明系等。dorc 发明了最全面的染色剂系列产品,可用于白内障和视网膜手术中关键组织的显影。
About Dutch Ophthalmic Research Center | DORC Global
DORC is one of the world’s leading suppliers of equipment, instruments and liquids for ophthalmic surgery. The company improves eye surgery globally and maximizes surgeon control by providing innovative quality approaches for eye disorders.
Product Finder - DORC Global
Please be aware that not all products are registered or available for sale in all countries, and that the product details presented here may vary from the registered details in the country in which you are located. Always read the product labelling and …
About Dutch Ophthalmic Research Center - DORC USA
DORC is one of the world’s leading suppliers of equipment, instruments and liquids for ophthalmic surgery. The company improves eye surgery globally and maximizes surgeon control by providing innovative quality approaches for eye disorders.
Inspired by you - created by DORC - DORC Global
Découvrez DORC. DORC est l’un des premiers fournisseurs mondiaux d’équipement, d’instruments et de liquides pour la chirurgie ophtalmique. Plus d'information
Surgical system and Consumables - DORC Global
Explore EVA NEXUS™ phaco-vitrectomy system featuring unique VTi pump with FLOW and VACUUM fluidics, EVA AVETA™ trocar cannula system with Push-Fit infusion connection, TDC (two-dimensional cutting) vitrectome with cut speeds of up to 16,000 CPM, EVA INICIO™ microinjection system and other consumables.
Inspired by you - created by - DORC USA
"DORC’s global leadership in innovation is widely acknowledged by the eye surgeons community. We are providing solutions inspired and valued by them, solutions that maximize surgeon control, enhance surgical efficiency and improve ease of use for the surgical staff.
DORC may fund HCPs and HCOs to attend events and congresses in the HCP/HCO’s country of practice/home country under the following conditions: • Funding must not interfere with the independence of HCPs.
Über Dutch Ophthalmic Research Center - DORC Global
"Die globale Innovationsführerschaft von DORC ist in der Fachwelt der Augenchirurgie weithin anerkannt. Wir liefern Lösungen, die von den Fachleuten selbst inspiriert und für sie wertvoll sind – Lösungen, die den Operateuren größtmögliche Kontrolle geben, ihre Effizienz steigern und dem ganzen OP-Team die Arbeit erleichtern.